Page 6 of The Warlord

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I didn’t understand why, but the way he saidlassto me, made something flutter in my chest.

Which was bad.

Stockholm Syndrome wasn’t an option.

“Are you taking me to him now?”

“Soon. He wants to meet you. Make sure you’re safe.”

“I didn’t think he’d care either way for my mental and physical welfare considering the current situation.”

Grayson cocked his head to one side. “And what situation is that?”

“He abducted me. Or should I say he hadyouabduct me and taken to another country.”

“You were abducted, I admit that, but you belonged to him first. You were promised to him, lass.”

I narrowed my eyes and pressed myself more snuggly against the rear door. “Promised? How? Why?”

He shook his head. “These are all questions you can ask him. We’ll be there in forty minutes.”

“I…”Fuck.That bile that had only been threatening the back of my throat was now making a full-blown run for the exit. A small, strangled sound escaped me, and Grayson sat up in alarm.

He reached for me but stopped short of touching. “Lass?”

“I’m going to be—” I didn’t get to finish my sentence. The nausea that had been sitting in the background during our tête-à-tête decided it’d had enough. It bubbled up from my stomach and burned my throat. Bending my head, squeezing shut my eyes, I vomited the meager contents of my stomach into the plastic bag, hating every damn second of it. Vomiting was bad. Vomiting in front of an audience was worse. Puking in front of a man as good-looking as Grayson was a damn crying shame.

I was mortified when he brushed my loose hair back from my face, gathering the long length into his big fist. I had a momentary thought of him doing that to me while I was naked and on my knees, but lusting after the man who kidnapped me was bad. I’d already established that fact.

I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole when he started murmuring softly to me in that lilting accent of his, telling me things likeit was going to be okay,it would be over soon, andthey could pull over to wash my face and get me something to drink.

The car slowed, then turned, before finally coming to a complete stop. I had a quick glance out the window to see we’d pulled into a gas station called Applegreen. It was a big building with the forecourt leading into what looked like a convenience store with a restaurant off to one side. It was early afternoon according to the clock in the car, but with the rain cover, it was dark, so the bright lights were on—green and white fluorescents shining the way across the rain-soaked pavement.

Grayson touched my chin, and I slanted him with a look. He held up what looked like an honest-to-God handkerchief. “Just trying to clean off your chin.”

When I said nothing, he reached forward, wiping away some vomit that hadn’t made it into the bag. The gesture was strangely intimate, and I pulled away, staring at him.

“You have five minutes to get cleaned up,” he rasped. “Torin, go with her. Make sure she doesn’t do something stupid.”

“Aye, boss,” the driver—Torin—replied and got out. He slammed the door shut, and it was just Grayson and me.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not going with him.”

“Take that puss off your face. Youaregoing with him. You wanted to get cleaned up. Get cleaned up. We don’t have time for this shite. And don’t even think about legging it.”

“Legging it?Take that puss off my face?What the hell does that mean?”

“Run away and don’t sulk,” he begrudgingly replied. “Don’t do anything stupid. Torin is bigger than you, as well as armed.”

I wasn’t intimidated. “And if I didleg it? What then, huh?”

He pushed his face close to mine, and I automatically pulled back. I smelled of vomit and the idea that he was smelling it on my breath embarrassed me.

Unaware of my personal dilemma, he growled, “Then I would chase you down,lass, and when I caught you, you would not like what would happen next.”

An unbidden shiver tracked down my spine at the thought of what Grayson could do to me. I hoped it was something that involved very few clothes and a spanking for being such a bad girl. I shook my head, and he must’ve taken that as my acquiescence because he eased back in his seat.

I yelped when Torin opened the door I was leaning on, and I nearly tumbled out. It was only Grayson’s hand on my arm that stopped me from toppling back, but it was enough physical contact to let me feel the spark that arced between us.

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