Page 82 of Little Bird

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I jogged up the stairs to my office, and Dagger slammed the door behind him. “We’ll get her back, boss.”

I spun around to face him. “I know we will, then I will fuckingdecimateevery single person who was involved in this. I don’t give a shit if it starts a turf war or a goddamn nuclear war. Nobody takes what’s mine.Nobody.”

He stared at me for a moment.

“Fuck, just say it.”

He folded his arms over his meaty chest. “This woman, Wren, she means something to you.”

“And what if she does?”

He raised a brow at me. “You’ve never had this before.”

I turned to glare at him. No fucking shit, I hadn’t had this before. Loving someone was a fucking headfuck. I thought I only had enough room in my heart for Bianca and our mother. Then little Valentine came along, and that damn organ grew to encompass her in my don’t-fucking-mess-with-them bubble. And now, Wren. Wren, who had the largest fucking piece of my heart.

Running my hands through my hair, I barked, “Fuck.” I glared at Dagger. Fuck him for bringing this shit up. Fuck him for pointing out the wounds, then prodding them to make them bleed. “I fucking need her in my life, Tony.”

Something like shock filtered through his expression, but he shut his emotions down tight before saying, “That’s all I need to know.” With a nod, he turned around and left me with thoughts spinning at a million miles a minute.

If I didn’t get Wren back, I didn’t know what I’d do. All I knew was that my chest was hurting with the thought she was in pain right now—pain I had caused her by simply being in her life. Sanderson used my feelings for her against me, and I heard that little voice at the back of my head whispering something about ‘this is why we don’t fall for a woman no matter how good her cunt is.’

But Wren was different.

She didn’t want something from me that I didn’t want to give. It was me who wanted everything from her—her attention, her love, her body. I wanted it all, and although that thought should’ve frightened me to death, it didn’t. It made me feel like I was whole for the first time in my life, like there had been a gaping hole in the center of my chest that couldn’t be filled no matter how many women I used, or how much coke I pushed, or how many blowjobs I got from my Dolls. Wren filled it with everything good in this world, and hungrily, greedily, I wanted more from her. I wanted it all because she made me feel like I could be a better man.



I couldn’t openmy eyes, even though I tried. I didn’t know how long I’d been unconscious for, but I knew I’d come back around while I was still being beaten. I’d heard my brother’s sobs as he slammed his booted foot into my stomach and kidneys over and over again.

Sucking in a breath, I let it out through my mouth. My nose was broken. Everything felt stiff like my blood had dried on my skin, caked-on in thick clumps.

The concept of time was an elusive one. The storage locker didn’t have any windows, and the only light coming in was from the slit under the door. I tried to lift my arms, only to find them bound to the chair once more. I checked my legs and discovered the same thing. Although where they thought I’d go in this state, I didn’t know.

As I waited for someone to come and get me, I prayed it would be Bane. I needed to hear his voice again. I needed to smell the scent of his cologne, the scent of leather and gunpowder. I knew then he was the safety I’d been chasing all my life. I tilted my head to the side when I heard a distant voice, then began to call for help when the voice got closer. If someone was trying to get something from their locker, they could be my way out of here.

I sat up a little straighter when I heard scraping on the door, then braced myself for the light that would pour in.

“Nice work, Hawk,” Sanderson said, praising my brother for his handiwork.

The sick fuck.

“Thanks, boss,” my brother mumbled.

“Get her up. We need to move her to a new location.”

The ties around my wrists and ankles disappeared, then the pressure of a gun barrel was applied to the back of my head.

“Don’t try anything,” an unfamiliar man said.

A warm hand hooked under my arm, and I was brought up onto my feet. My knees buckled from disuse, and I fell to the floor.

“Fuck, Hawk, carry her out of here.”

Hawk scooped me up into his arms, grunting a little with the effort. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I positioned mine where I knew his would be. I wanted him to see what he’d done. I wanted him to know that he’d caused me this pain.

“You might as well just kill me,” I whispered, my speech slurred.

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