Page 7 of Little Bird

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“Or worse,” I replied darkly, without a touch of remorse. “Nobody steals from me. Nobody gets to think they’ve pulled one over on me.Nobodysurvives this breach of trust.”

Roughly, she swiped the tears from her eyes and straightened her shoulders. Fuck, she even thrust her chest out a little, drawing my attention to her breasts. The air-conditioner kicked in then, sweeping the room with a gust of arctic air and causing her nipples to pebble.No fucking bra.I fucking liked this woman.

“You’re a goddamn mobster.” She hurled the words at me like they were daggers instead of syllables.

Pushing up off the desk, I got to within an inch of her body, her breasts almost brushing against my pecs. “You’re fucking right. I am. Now, get that fine ass of yours out of here, Little Bird, before I bend you over my knee and spank that defiance out of you.”

I braced for the slap. I was not prepared for the lust that surfaced in her gaze. So she liked it rough, did she? I filed that little nugget of information away for later because I knew there would be a later. Any woman who could stand up to me, defy me like that, was a woman I wanted to get to know.

She retreated on shaking legs, throwing one last filthy glare over her shoulder at me just before she shut the door. I ran a hand through my hair and blew out a breath. Turning to the window, I watched as Wren walked toward the entrance to the club. Her head was held high, her walk confident.

Fuck, I wanted to break her.

Behind me, the office door opened. “Who was that, boss?” Dagger asked. “A new Doll?”

I rounded on the guy, barely containing the anger I had at him for not being at the door to stop her from coming in. But then I thought about it. If he’d stopped her, I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting her. So instead of chewing the bastard out, I smiled at him. “She was Hawk Montana’s big sister.”

Dagger’s expression didn’t change. It hardly did. The only emotions I’d ever seen on his face before were blank and blank. There wasn’t a damn thing I could tell him to do that he wouldn’t see through.

“What did she want?”

“She wanted me to forget about the fifty thousand he owes.”

“In exchange for what?”

“Nothing. She came in here with no fucking bargaining chipat all.” Which either meant she was incredibly smart or incredibly stupid. Stupidity didn’t seem to fit Wren. There was calculation in her eyes, an old knowledge that understood how this world worked. “I want you to find out what you can about her.”

“You got it.” He glanced at his watch. “Closing time soon.”

I did the same time check. So it was. Three o’clock rolls around quickly.

“Get that information. I want to pay her a visit tomorrow.”

“Yes, boss.”

Dagger left, and I returned to my desk. I would see my Little Bird again, and I would take what I wanted from her without any complaint.



I nudgedHawk with my foot. He groaned and rolled away, giving me his back.

“Wake the fuck up, Hawk,” I snarled. I was running on only four hours of sleep, thanks to his barging into my apartment beaten and bloody. Then, there was my visit to Bane. The man who was even sexier in person.

Before I got sucked into those thoughts, I walked into the kitchen to get some coffee. I made enough for both of us, taking the cup into the living room. Hawk had gotten himself vertical, which was a good start.

“Drink this,” I told him, shoving the coffee under his nose.

He grabbed the cup with both hands and took a shallow sip. He looked at me over the rim. “What am I going to do, Wren?”

“Fucked if I know,” I replied, running a hand through my hair, shoving it out of my face. I watched his expression crumple. “What did you do with the money?”

His eyes darted away from my face, his tell showing me everything I needed to know. “You lifted it, didn’t you? You fucking idiot.” I stood up to pace. “Did you think he wouldn’t notice?”

“Snake never did,” he replied in a petulant tone.

Ah, so here it was.This had worked in the past with another dealer, so Hawk figured why wouldn’t it work again?

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