Page 67 of Little Bird

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“Cox is threatening to bring you in for questioning.”

“Want me to get rid of her?”

Read: Do you want me to put a bullet in her skull and dispose of the body where nobody would ever find it?

“No. If she goes missing, they’ll know something is up. I think this witness thing is bullshit but look into it.”

“You got it. Anything else?”

“Just tell me we’re locked down tight on this.”

“We are.”

Running a hand through my hair, I blew out a breath. “Okay. Call me if you need me. I can be down at the club in ten if I’m needed.”

“We’re all good, boss.” Dagger hung up, and I stared at the glowing screen of my phone. Fuck. I hated feeling out of control like this. Cox wasn’t playing ball. She was my loose cannon, and having one of them was never a good fucking thing.



I stretchedout in Bane’s bed, blinking at the warm light filtering through the large floor-to-ceiling windows in his bedroom. My arms were still sore, but nowhere near as sore as my pounding head. Rolling over, I looked for Bane, but his side of the bed was empty.

“Good morning,” a dark voice rumbled. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

He strolled into the room in those gray sweats again. I let my eyes drift down his naked torso, biting my bottom lip.

“Don’t look at me like that, Little Bird. I’m not going to be fucking you for a few days.” He chuckled at my pout, then reached out and brushed the hair from my face as he sat on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Still a little sore.” I touched my head, so he knew where.

Holding out his hand to me, he dropped a couple of white pills, then reached for the glass of water on the table beside the bed. “These should help. The doctor said if the pain got any worse to take you back in again.”

“It’s not getting worse.” I washed the pills down my throat with a mouthful of water and handed him back the glass.

“Breakfast, or not feeling up to it? Mrs. Bellinger is already in the kitchen.”

“Maybe something small?”

He nodded. “You got it. I’ll tell her to ease off with the full spread, then.” With a boyish grin, he left me alone with my thoughts.

I had to get a hold of Hawk to let him know I was okay and that I was staying with Bane for a little while. Jesus, this entire thing was fucked up. My apartment was gone, everything I’d ever owned destroyed by a fire. Hawk was still up to his eyeballs in the shit he consistently got himself into. My life was spiraling out of control on me here, and I had no fucking idea how to get off the ride.

The first tear that tracked down my cheek took me by surprise. The second soon followed, and I wiped at those traitorous things with the back of my hand. I didn’t cry. Crying was for the weak when they had nothing left to do. I wasn’t beaten, though. I wasn’t giving up, I was just giving in at the moment.

“Wren, baby?” Bane asked when he caught me sniffling in bed.

I looked at him through tear-soaked lashes and cried a little harder. He was the only thing in my life that was going right. He came to me quickly, placing the cup of coffee he was holding down to wrap me in his arms. I clung to him, burying my face in his shoulder and letting out the tears that I had no hope of stopping anyway.

“I’m here for you.”

I tightened my fingers around his bicep. His warmth leached into me, grounding me. “It’s all gone.”

“I know.”

I looked up at him. “What am I supposed to do now?”

“You’ll stay with me, or in one of my apartments,” he added.

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