Page 75 of Tease Me

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“Thatbitch!” Natasha whispered harshly and Evangeline cringed.

“Did you hear that?” Lisa’s friend asked.

“Hear what?” replied Lisa. “Oh my god, this fake pregnancy sure is taking it out of me,” she added with a cackle. “Come on, I’m sobering up. I need to drink more so I can take at least one of these men home with me.”

Evangeline waited until the door closed behind them before she opened up the door, finding Natasha already there.

“That was her, Beau’s ex?”

Evangeline nodded, the weight of Lisa’s words still registering. Lisa lied about the pregnancy, was leading Beau to believe he was the father of a nonexistent child. She forced them apart even though they’d only just found each other again.

“You have to tell Beau. Vee, did you hear me? You have to tell him.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Are you fucking serious? You know why. Lisaliedto him about everything. You can be the one to expose that bitch’s lies.”

What Natasha was saying was true, but still she hesitated, although she didn’t know why. Beau was just a poor dumb bastard who got tangled up with a woman who was clearly smarter than either of them had given credit.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Natasha growled, her thumbs working furiously over the screen of her phone.

“Natasha?” she asked, alarmed. “What are you doing?” She lunged for the phone, but it was too late. Natasha help up her phone, showing her the text message she’d just sent Beau.


Check your girl.The Nightingale.

The message had come through from a number he didn’t recognize and it made him stop. Check my girl? Was it talking about Vee or Lisa?

Who is this?

He waited for a reply, but it never came. He looked at the time. It was coming up on midnight, and he was still in West Hollywood, drinking even though he was supposed to be driving home. After the absolute failure to talk to Vee, he’d come to accept that they weren’t going to be a couple again, and as much as that hurt him to hear, he could see her point of view. She was right—he’d broken her once before and she’d found the strength to forgive him. A second time though? He couldn’t blame her for falling back into default mode.

Check your girl. The words swirled around in his head as he drank the last of his beer.Check your girl.He couldn’t ignore it. Slapping some money on the bar, he stood up and walked outside, punching in The Nightingale as his next destination. Thankfully it was only about seven blocks away, and the walk would sober him up enough to possibly drive home afterward.

He found the club easily, the line of people out the door more than an indication. Foregoing the line to get it, he headed straight to the bouncer.

“Hey, man, can—”

“Back of the line,” he replied without bothering to hear him out.

“Look, I need to go in there for just a few minutes. My girlfriend is drunk and I need to take her home.”

He looked at him then. “Why is your girlfriend out without you?”

He shrugged casually. “Bachelorette party. I got a call from one of her friends telling me to swing by and get her.”

“You’ve got five minutes. If you’re not out of there by then, I’m coming in to get you.”

“Right. Thanks.”

Beau stepped into the club, his eyes scanning for either Vee or Lisa. He walked toward the bar, pushing past people and trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone. On his second pass of the floor, a shrill laugh caught his attention. He turned, the crowd spreading like he’d willed it to reveal Lisa with a martini in her hand. She was talking to another man, her free hand flirtatiously touching him on the shoulder and bicep. That wasn’t what pissed him off though. It was the fact that she was drinking while pregnant. Was shethatstupid?

His anger was like a living thing inside him, forcing him into action. He strode over to her, the words he wanted to hurl at her burning on the tip of his tongue. Grabbing her by the shoulder, he spun her around, her drink spilling from her glass and tipping all over him.

“Hey!” she shouted, staring at her now empty glass. “That was my—” She looked up, the color draining from her cheeks. “Beau?”

“Hey, man, you owe the lady a drink.”

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