Page 71 of Tease Me

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His eyes widened. “You can’t mean that.”

Evangeline jutted her chin out, defiant... defeated. “I mean every single word.”

“The only reason Lisa approached you and told you all that shit was to force you to break it off with me.”

“Clever girl,” she murmured. “She knew exactly what it would take.” She glanced at Max to find him staring at her intently. To Beau, she said, “So she wants you back, huh?”

He nodded. “Yes, but I made it pretty damn clear to her that I’m only there to support her financially.”

“I’m sure she’ll wear you down. Women like that always get what they want.”

Beau pushed up from his position against the wall. “Goddammit, Vee, I’m only going to say this to you one more time: I want you. I’ve always wanted you and I’ll have you again. I’ll make this right. Somehow.”

She shook her head. “I can’t be with you again. I was a fool to let you back in after the first time. Shame on me for believing you a second time.” She stood up, dismissing him.

“Vee? Please,” he begged. “Tell me what I can do to make this up to you. I can’t lose you again.”

“It’s too late.” Even to her own ears her voice sounded dead. “I’m already lost to you.”


Snatching up her phone,keys, and wallet, Evangeline left the office and stalked through the club. She was shaken but not emotional. Nope, she had locked all those down, stuffing them into the vault in her mind. It’s the same one she used when she was going through foster family after foster family.

“Have a good night, Rich,” she told her bouncer as she left.

“Good night, boss,” he called as she walked back to her apartment. Unlocking her phone, she called Natasha.

“We’re going out,” she said as soon as her friend picked up. “Come and get me in an hour.” She hung up before she could ask her any questions, then slid her phone back into her pocket. Evangeline needed to forget for a while, and there really was no better way to forget than drowning in expensive bourbon, then finding someone to fuck away the memories of Beau.

When she got back to her apartment, she got changed into the shortest dress she owned and slid on her favorite pair of pumps. She looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes locked on the phoenix tattoo standing stark on her ankle. Her tattoo. His tattoo.Theirtattoo.

“Fool me once,” she told her reflection.

“Damn, girl!”

Evangeline spun around to find Natasha standing in the doorway. Turning back, she said, “I need to put a bell on you.”

“Oh, kinky. I like it,” Natasha shot back. “You are looking good tonight, girl. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were looking to get a little action.”

“You’re right,” she murmured. “I’m planning on forgetting all about Beau by letting another man erase every place he’s touched me.”

Natasha’s expression seemed to sober. “It’s over then?”

“Yes.” Glancing over her shoulder, she added, “Yes. It’s over.” She took in what she was wearing. “You’re planning on making some guy cry tonight, aren’t you?”

She slid her hands down her body suggestively. “I need a man after letting Blake pant all over me.”

“Let’s go then.”

Forty-five minutes later,they rolled intoThe Nightingale, a rival club that Evangeline had suggested they go to. Heading straight to the bar, they ordered themselves two drinks each, then scooped up a free table as another couple left it.

“I know you’ve already checked out potentials,” Natasha said, taking a sip of her martini. “Tell me who you want so I can find another.”

She scanned the room, searching for the man she’d targeted as they’d ordered drinks. He was the exact opposite of Beau in every way, and that suited her just fine.

“Him,” she said, jerking her chin in his direction.

“Done. I’ve got dibs on the surfer guy about two tables over.”

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