Page 63 of Tease Me

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She heaved a sigh, staring at that same crack in the ceiling. She wondered why she hadn’t noticed it before now. She also wondered why she’d broken her own rules and let Beau past her guard again. She said no hanging out. It was supposed to be just sex—clean and simple.

Now look where she was.

Her eyes closed, blocking out the harsh glare of the overhead light. Besides a stiff drink or ten, all she wanted was to fucking wallow for twenty-four hours, then get on with her life. She came back from this last time, and she’d damn well do it again.

“Like a fucking phoenix,” she told herself bitterly.

True to her word,Natasha returned with both alcohol and Chinese food to gorge on. Natasha unloaded the takeout bag onto the bed between them before disappearing again. Evangeline heard the kitchen cabinet doors opening and closing, then the tinkle of ice.

“Here, drink this. I made it just the way you like it.”

Blindly, Evangeline reached out to take the glass, then got herself up into a sitting position. She took a large gulp of her drink, parking the rest on the nightstand beside her while Natasha began opening up the containers and handed her one.

“So what are you going to do now? Do I have your permission to gut him?”

Evangeline gave her a sidelong look. “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”

She shrugged. “I won’t tell if you won’t,” she said in a singsong voice. “Seriously though, what are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to get on with my life like he never barged back into it.”

Natasha’s perfectly arched brows rose. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.” She took another swallow of her drink, staring at the bottom of her now empty glass with disdain. “I need a refill.”

Natasha huffed, snatching the glass from her hand and stalking back to the kitchen.

“You need a better plan,” she announced, striding back into the room. “You need to make him pay for this.”

This statement made Evangeline screw her face up in distaste. “That seems kind of juvenile.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Natasha shrugged, scooping up one of the containers and shoveling some noodles into her mouth.

“How’s Blake doing? Have you fucked him yet?”

Her friend looked at her pointedly as she finished chewing her mouthful. “Of course.”

“Any good?”

Lowering the food container, she rested it in her lap. “No. He was terrible. He kept trying to talk dirty to me—likecheap porn—dirty talk, and that was a real turn-off.”

Evangeline felt a smile pulling at her mouth. At least she still found something funny. “Poor Blake.”

“PoorBlake?” she spluttered. “Poorme!I was the one who had to suffer through his performance, faking an orgasm so he’d fucking get on with it.”

Evangeline actually laughed out loud at this. Seeing Natasha this horrified was hilarious. If you could liken her to a fictional character, she’d be Samantha Jones from Sex and the City, only not as secretive about her age.

Natasha’s expression relaxed, a soft smile on her face. “That’s better, Vee. I don’t like to see you all mopey.”

“I usually look mopey,” she shot back.

“No, your default is resting bitch face—which iswicked,by the way.” She took her hand, holding it lightly between her own. Evangeline stared wide-eyed at her friend. “I need you to be okay.”

Taking back her hand, she shrugged. “I will be.” Letting out a frustrated groan, she added, “Just give me twenty-four hours and I’ll be back to my old self.”

“And Beau?” Natasha asked, getting busy looking down inside her food container.

Evangeline could feel the tension building in her shoulders. “What about him?”

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