Page 51 of Tease Me

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“Yes, I would!” Her scream cut through him. “You and I are clearly not getting back together.”

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to keep his voice level. “No, we’re not, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be there to help you...ifthis baby is mine. Please, Lisa. I don’t want you to terminate the pregnancy if the only reason you can’t keep it is because of money. I can support the child if you need me to. I can’t, however, give you the emotional support you need. We’re never getting back together again and this won’t change anything.”

As if by magic, her tears dried up, her sobbing quieted and she looked at him like she’d just won the biggest prize at the fair.

“Do you promise?”

“I can’t do that until I see you take the pee test again. I need to witness it myself.”

Her mouth sank into a frown. “You don’t believe me? Fine. I still have one test left from the pack.” She dipped a hand into her bag, pulling out a plastic stick. She showed it to him, tapping the vacant window that would confirm or deny the pregnancy. “I can take it right now and prove to you that I’m pregnant.”

“The bathroom is down there.”

Seething, she walked to the bathroom and shut the door. Beau followed, standing right outside, his ear practically pressed against the thing. He heard the rustle of clothing then the sound of liquid hitting water. Blowing out a breath, he waited for the toilet to flush before barging into the room.

Lisa placed the stick on the countertop, her arms crossed over her chest in defiance. He didn’t give a shit what she thought though. This was his goddamn life here.

“How long do we have to wait?” he asked impatiently.

“Three minutes.”

His eyes darted to the test, waiting. “What’s that line?” he asked, pointing at a faint pink line appearing.

“It’s the control line.”

“Right.” His hands clenched into fists. “Right.”

Two minutes to go.

“It’s going to be positive, Beau,” Lisa said confidently.

“Are these things ever wrong?”

She shrugged. “Getting a false-positive is a possibility, but they’re very rare.”

“I still want you to get a blood test to absolutely prove this.”

One minute.


Come on, come on,he thought. This is taking forever. He checked his watch, watching the second hand moving slowly around the face. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the test window, not yet.

“It’s time.”

He stepped forward, swiping the test from beside the sink before Lisa could reach for it. Letting out a breath, he uncurled his fingers and read the result.


“See?” Lisa beamed. “Pregnant.”

Practically throwing the test back down, he turned away, pacing down the hallway. Pregnant. Pregnant. Lisa was pregnant.

“Beau?” she called from behind him. “You saw me take the test. What now?”

He shook his head. He needed this to be one hundred percent confirmed—no chance of getting a false-negative.

“You need to get a blood test to prove it. After that, we can discuss how we’re going to proceed.”

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