Page 14 of Tease Me

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Natasha gasped in mock horror. "I'm usually the one asking for advice, not you."

"I know." She sucked in a breath then let it out. "I saw Beau." This time it was a choking sound. "Sorry about the coffee."

Her friend coughed. "Fuck the coffee. Beau?"

She nodded, even though Tash couldn't see it. "Hence the need to talk."

"Yeah, of course. Jesus, Vee. How long have you been sitting on this news?"

She slipped on a t-shirt, smoothing it down her body. "Less than twelve hours."

"I don't know if I can wait until lunch. I'm canceling my nine thirty so we can talk."

"Tash, no. I can—"

But it was pointless—Natasha had already hung up.

"Wait," she finished with a sigh. She didn't know why she bothered trying to argue with her. Natasha was an absolute pit bull in the courtroom. As a litigation lawyer in LA, she had her pick of clients. And at more than six hundred thousand a year, she could afford to take unexpected time off.

Her phone pinged with a message from Natasha. It was just an address, and when she looked it up, she saw it was a restaurant near her office. She guessed that was where she was going.

Grabbing her purse and her keys, she left her apartment then another message came through.

Walking is for losers. I sent you my driver, Blake x.

"Driver?" she asked aloud. Since when did Natasha have a driver?

By the time she was out front of her building, there was a car waiting.

The window slid down. "Ms. Webster?" asked the man inside.

"Yeah," she replied cautiously, coming to a stop on the curb.

He got out of the car, stretching out to his full height. "I'm Blake," he said. "I've been told to take you toGreen Teaon Wilshire."

"Uh-huh," she replied, looking him over.

He gave her a genial smile despite her clear inspection of him, then opened up the rear door of the sedan. He gestured to the car. "Please."

She brushed past him and climbed inside. The interior was black leather, supple and soft, and Blake's aftershave saturated the air.

Once he was behind the wheel, he smiled at her through the rearview mirror. "So you're the owner ofTemptation."


"I am."

"How do you know Ms. Fraser?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You're awfully nosy for a driver."

He grinned. "I'm sorry. It's my first day."

Ah, that explained so much. She sat forward in her seat, resting her elbows on the back of the front seat. "Let me give you a tip, Blake."

He looked over his shoulder at her briefly before looking back at the road. "Ma'am?"

"Don't ask questions. Don't talk unless spoken to, and for god's sake don't bathe in your aftershave before coming to work."

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