Page 74 of Tempt Me

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“I know. I justknow how much thatonemeanttoyou.”

“Itdid,”shewhispered. Moretearsfell,and although shewastrying incrediblyhard tohold itall together,herdisappointmentsoonoverwhelmed her. Turning intohisbody,shecried intohischest, evenasErin struggled in her arms.

“LetmeputErin in herroom,”hetold her,taking hisdaughter and walking down thehall. There werea fewcriesof protest,butsoon she had quietened down.Maxemerged andwrapped Gigiup in hisarms.“It’sbeena day of bad news,huh?”Thisonlycausedhertosob harder.Herubbed circles on her back,soothing her.

“I’msorry,”sheeventuallysaid,wiping thelastof hertearsaway.Her eyesfeltpuffyand her nosewasrunning. Shelooked hard athisstomach,refusing tolethimseehowawful shenodoubt looked. Crying never did anyoneanyfavors.

With hisfinger underher chin,shetilted her head backup. “Don’thideyourtearsfromme.”

“I lookhideous,”she protested.

“You look beautiful.” Hekissed her hard and fast,silentlytelling her nottofight himon thisone. Shewound her armsaround hisneck,clutching himcloserto her. Hiskissbecamemorepassionate, moredemanding,and shefound herselfwillinglygiving in tohim. His handsslid downtoher ass.He cupped itroughlyand pulling her hipsintothehard line of hisbody. Shegroaned intohismouth,her fingersflexing instinctively.

Holding ontoherbottomlip,hesucked attheflesh and pulled awayatthesametime.“I need to feelyour skin.”She nodded,knowing exactlywhathewastalking about because shefeltthesame way. Unhooking her hands,shetookoff hertanktop,letting itfall tothe ground. Rolling onto the other side of the couch, sheworked thebutton onher shorts while hetookoff his shirtand undid his jeans. Thesmellof fresh linen and soap drifted up betweenthem. Leaning backagainstthecushions, shekicked off her underwear. Hisbody covered hers,hisskilful fingerssliding betweentheirbodiesand finding her silken folds. Herubbed attheknotof nerves,eliciting desperatewhimpersfromherthroat. Hismouthopened overoneof her breastsstillconfined byher bra,histonguedarting outtotortureherhardened nipples. Reaching behind her back,sheundid theclaspofherbra,thestrapsslackening againsther shoulders.Maxpeered upather fromhisposition,a salaciousgrin spreading over his lips.

“I likethis position,” hesaid. Hepulled thecups ofher bra down under herbreasts,exposing them. Hetookherinto hismouth again,histongueand teethdriving her insanewith need. Addthe wayhisfingersexpertlyapplied pressureto her clit,and shewasn’tsurewhichwaywasupor down.

“Please,Max,”shebegged,herteeth biting down into herbottomlip.

“Tellmewhatyou need,Gigi.”

“You.”Shewasbreathless.“I needyou.”

Hepulled awayabruptly,leaving her feeling empty. “Comeand haveashowerwith me.”Heheld outhishand toher and shewasunabletorefuse. Shelethimlead hertothebathroom,turning on thewater andsticking hishand under thesprayevery nowand againtotestthetemperature. He didn’tsayanything elseto her—hedidn’thaveto. Shecould read what histhoughtswerebythe lookin hiseyesand bythewayhetouched her;itwasalmostreverent.

Henudged her intotheshower firstwhilehetookoffhisjeansand underwear and stepped in after her. Hishandswere on her in an instant,hismouth melding to herslessthan a heartbeatlater. Histongueexplored hermouth whilehishandsexplored her body. He moved down her throat, kissing downtothe depressionof hercollarbone. Gigithrewher head backtoallowhim better access,her fingersgetting a firmer grip around hisbiceps.

Heworshiped herentirebodywith hislips, tongueand teeth,finallydropping tohiskneesin frontof her.Dropletsofwater wereclinging to hiseyelashes,sliding down hisfaceand dropping from hischin. Gently,heinched hishandsup her inner thighs,applying theslightestpressuretoget her toopen themalittlefurther. Propping her handson thetiledwalls,shebraced herself, spreading her legswider. Hekissed theinsideof herthigh sweetlybeforeswiping histonguethrough hersex.

Shecriedout,thewallsthrowing thesound backather;shesounded sowanton. Maxlapped at her,drinking herdown. Beforesheknewit,hehadcoaxed anorgasmfrom her. Her kneesbuckled under theintensepleasure, Max’shandssupporting theweightofher bodyeffortlessly.Shecame whilehewasstill stroking and greedilydrinking fromher. Shecould feel herwholebodywarmasthe last ofher pleasureebbedaway.

When shecould refocusher eyes,shefound himstaring ather—stillfromhiskneeling position. “Beautiful,”he mouthed, standing up and kissing her.Shecould taste herselfonhim. “Ihope you’re readyforme,Gigi,becauseI can’twaitanother second.”

Shenodded,cryingoutamomentlater ashewrappedher legsaround hiswaistand slammed intoher.With herback pressed againstthetile,thewaterhithimfullyin the backashiships pistoned in andoutof her.Hewasin a frenzy,andonceagain,she could understand why—they wererunning outof timetogether.Sheheldon tightlyashecontinued with hisdemanding rhythm, riding each jerkand jolt.

“I can’t holdon,” heground out,hishipsflexing into hers oncemorebeforehe groaned lowand long into herear. Hearing thatsoundmadeherentirelower bodyclench. Themusclesin herpelvis tugged atMax’serection,drawing a hissfromhis lips.Hewithdrewfromher body,pressing his foreheadto hersastheirbreathing returnedto normal. Hetouched thecornerofhermouth,then pressed akisstoit.

“Can Iwash you?”sheasked, eyeing hisbroadshoulders.

With a grin,he handed herthesponge.Putting alittleshower gelon it,shestarted rubbing slow circlesover hischest,letting her fingerstrail overhis hardened nipples. Dragging thesponge down, she madesure hisstomachwasalsoclean before dipping down between hislegs.Heshuddered as shewashed hiscockthen trembledwhen sheletherfingerslingertherefor amomentlonger.

Heshookhishead at her,causing her topout. “Ihavetogo toworksoon,remember?”

“I can be quick,”sheshotbackwith a grin.

Hisstrong fingerswrappedbehind herneck,dragging herto hismouth. Hekissedherbefore saying againstherlips,“I don’tever wantquickwithyou,Gigi. Leisurely,yes. Adoringly,most definitely.Butnever quick.”

Sheknew hewasthinking it,butshe had nodesiretosayit:their daysofleisurelyenjoyingeach other’sbodieswerecoming toanend.

Thethoughtleft hercold.

“I should getreadyforwork,though,”Maxsaid softly,seeminglyreading hermind. Heshutoff thewater,wrapping her ina towel beforegetting onefor himself. She let himget dressed alone whileshewenttocollecthersuitcase. Justasshewastoting itintoherroom,Maxstopped her.

“I thoughtyou’d wanttoleaveitin here,” hesaid,indicating hisroomwith hishead.

“You want metostayin your room?”

“You sound surprised. We’ll bespending every nighttogetheranyway.”

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