Page 42 of Tempt Me

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Maxstepped alittleclosertoher,trying toavoid being knocked down by amotorized scooter. Heheard her breathcatch in her throatathis proximity,and itmadehimsmile.“Same.”


“Alwayswantedtohavefour,”herepliedwith a shrug.

Theykepttalking in the same wayuntil theyreached hisapartment,thetimepassingtoo quickly. Max found thathe didn’twantittoend. Theyhad a connection andtherewassomuch moretoGigi than hethought. Justastheyclosed theapartmentdoor behind them,his cell rang. Pulling itfromhis pocket,he pinned itbetween hisshoulderand eartoliftGigi’sbagontothesinglebed inwhatwould beher room.



“Oh,hi, Mom.”Hewalked intohisbedroom.“How’sDad doing?”

“Better.Much better. He’sactuallystarting tomakejokesagain.”

He smiled. “Well,then,Iknow he’sgetting better.”


Hetoedoff his shoes.“Everything is going great.”

“And howismy granddaughter?”


“I’m planning onvisiting assoonasyour father hasbeen discharged and issettled athome,”she told him. “How’sthe nannyworking out?Hasshestarted yet?”

“Shelooked after Erinlast nightwhileI had theclubopening,and she’smoving in today,actually.”

“That’sgreat news.”Therewasamuffledsound beforeshecameback ontotheline. “I haveto go,Max. Your father isasking forme. Allmylovetoyou andErin. Hopefullyitwon’t betoolong until I see you both again.”

“SayhitoDadforme,” hesaid. “Loveyou.”

Hehung up and lefthisbedroom. Gigi hadErin outofthestroller and wasplaying with heron her bed. Watching Gigiand hisdaughtertogethermadehimlikeherthatlittlebitmore. Shewasgreat with kidswhethershethoughtsoor not,and Maxknewshe’dmakeagreat momsomeday.

“Hey,I need tocrashoutfor a while beforework. There’sanemptydrawer inthe bathroom vanityforyou already. Help yourself towhateveryouwant,andmakeyourself at home.”Max yawned,exhaustion notjustcreeping up on him,buttaking himhostage.

“Getsomerest,Max,”shetold him.

“Areyouall rightwith Erin?”

Shelookedatthelittlegirland smiled.“We’ll bejustfine.”

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