Page 2 of Tempt Me

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Henodded. He knewexactlywhatshewastalkingabout. Erincould havestopped breathing, or gottenstuckin the barsof hercrib,or any numberofotherthings.

“Did sheleavea note,atleast?”

Thefactthat hismomconstantlyreferred toChelsea as shedidn’tescape his notice. From the moment they’d started dating in high school,hismom had instantlydislikedChelsea. She’dsaid thathewould getboredwithdating a shallow,superficial girl. Atthetime,he hadn’tthoughtmuch about it,butastimeand circumstances beyond his control had fusedthemtogether,hefinallysawwhat hismomwastalking about.


Hismomangrilymadethemeach a cupoftea, banging theceramicmugstogether. “You don’t seemterriblyupsetor surprised bythis,Max.” Shesaid thewordsover her shoulder as she poured theboiled water intothecups.

“I’m not. Things havebeen…rockyforawhile,” hereplied,pickingup theempty vodka glass and placing itin thesink.“Iwaskeeping things together for thesakeof Erin.”

She stopped whatshewas doing,placing both hands downontothecountertop. Her shouldersroseand fellwith a deep breath. “Thatpoor child—being broughtintoall this.”

Heknewwhatshe was saying.Erin hadn’tbeenplanned. Maxdidn’twant tohave any children with Chelsea. He’d doubted justhowgoodamother shewould be.Today’s actions certainly cementedthatsuspicion. But one day,Chelseahad announced shewaspregnanteventhoughshe was supposed tobeonthe pill. He had confronted her aboutintentionallyfalling pregnantin order totryand ‘fix’theirmarriage. Shehad denied it,but he had found theboxof contraception in thetrash,allthefoiltrays untouched.

Still, he wouldn’t have takenany ofit back. Erin had given hislifemeaning.

“We’ll befine,Mom.”Hetookthemug hismotheroffered and walked intotheliving room. “I’ll justhavetotalktomy bossaboutworking fewernightshifts and maybegetting Erin intoday care during theday.”

“Whywould you wanttoputher in day care?”sheasked,placing hermug downon theworn coffeetablebesidethecouch.

Maxfrowned. “BecauseI’llhavetowork.”

“I’ll takeherduring theday,”shesaid. “I’ve never hadthechancetohaveherformorethana fewhoursata time.”

“Areyousureaboutthis,Mom?A babycan bea lotof work.”

Shewaved awayhisquestion. “I lookedafter you andyourthree brotherswith noproblems. Whatmakes you thinkI can’tlookafteronesweetlittlegirl onmyown?”

If shewas being serious,shewasgoing tosavehim not onlya lotofmoney,butalotof worry too. Reaching out,hesqueezed her hand.“Thanks, Mom.”

“Whenareyouworking again?”

Fuck. “In the morning—we’redoing inventoryand Evangelinewantsus tostartearly.”

“I thoughtasmuch,”shereplied. “I’mstaying over.I’vealreadygota packed bagin thecar.”

Thankgod hismomwas always prepared.

“You takemy bed then. I’llstayon thecouch.”

Helooked down into his tea and wished hehad the bottleof vodkaagain. Hismother disapprovedof drinkingbecauseher father hadbeen an alcoholic. Theonlywayhe was going togetanother drinkinto himwas by goingout.Pulling outhisphone,hetexted his bestfriend.

Lessthan aminutelater,hegota reply.

Standing up,hesaid, “I’m going togomeetSam.Don’twaitup forme,though.”Bending down, hekissedhismotheron theforehead.“Thanks.”

Grabbing his keysfromthe dish bythedoor,hewalked outtohiscar and gotin.Samhad been his bestfriend sincegradeschool. Therewas nothing theguydidn’tknowaboutMaxand Chelsea’s wholefucked-up relationship. Heknewaboutthetimewhen ChelseacheatedonMaxin theirsenior year,and heknewthereason he had taken her back.

He drovedown tothesamebarheand Samwent toeveryThursdaynightwhen Maxwasn’t working.Sam’sbikewas alreadyparkedoutthefrontwhen hepulled intothelotbesidethebar. Maxstared athislefthandstill restingon thesteeringwheel;his wedding ring seemed tobe mocking him.Before hegot outofthecar,heslid thegold band fromhis ring finger and dropped it intothecentreconsole.He pulled open the door of the bar and wasgreetedwith thefamiliar smellsofnuts and stalebeer.

“What’s up?”Samaskedassoon asMaxsat downnextto himatthetable.

Dumping his phoneand keyson theworn table,Maxstared athis bestfriend. Heheaved a heavy sigh,preparing himself tosaythewords.“Shetookoff.”

Samchokedon hisbeer.Wiping a hand acrosshismouth,heasked,“Chelsea?”

“Hi,whatcan I getyou?”thewaitressasked,interrupting their conversation.

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