Page 11 of Tempt Me

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Chapter 4

Gigi waswoken thenextmorning by high-pitched laughter,quicklyfollowed byamasculine groan. Sheputher hands over herears inan attempttoblockthesoundthroughtheadjoining wall.Aftertenminutes of hearing moaning and furniturebanging,shegotup; shejustcouldn’thandleitanymore.

Padding intothekitchen, Gigistarted thecoffeemaker and leaned againstthecounter,waiting for therich smell tofill their apartment. ItwasFriday.Shehad only oneclass today,and thatwasn’t until theafternoon. Her plans fortheremainderofthe daywerethesameastheywereevery day—studyfor finalsand lookfora job,although studying for finalswasbyfartheeasier ofthetwo.Job hunting in NewYorkwastough. Hunting for jobs intheanthropologicalfield in NewYorkwaseven harder.

Therewas aloud bang,andGigilookedwherethesound had comefrom; Jen’s bedroom door wasstillvibrating. Sheshookher head and returnedher attentiontothecoffeemaker. Thecarafe was two-thirds full,and thatwasmorethan enough. Turning off themachine,shepouredherselfa cup of coffee,adding a bitof sugartothemix. Still leaning againstthecounter, shetook her firstsip and swallowed. Thecaffeinehitherbloodstreamlikeaverywelcomesledgehammer.

“I can’tstayin bed allday,” Jen chastised playfullyas she opened up her bedroomdoor. From acrosstheapartmentshewatched her roommate,dressed in nothing butherpanties and a baggy tee,stumbleoutintotheliving space. Jenlooked justfucked because,well,shewas.

“I thoughtI smelledcoffee.”

Gigi’s eyes darted backtothebedroomdoor.Declanwasleaning againstthejamb with hisarms crossed overhischestanda smirkon hislips. He, too,wasin only hisunderwearand Gigifound her eyesdrifting down oftheirownaccord. Startlingwhen helaughed ather,shefeltablush creep up her cheeks and shegotbusytaking another sip fromher cup and looking fora cereal bowl.

“Is Jen coming backtobed?”another voiceasked. Gigi chokedonher coffeewhen sheturned around. ItturnedoutBen thebartender had notbeen forgottenatall.

Ben looked rumpled and well-used. Hisdarkhairwasfalling over hisforehead,covering his equallydarkeyes. Helooked over atGigi and gavehera lopsided smile,whichshefeltcompelledto return.

“Gigi,” Jen called fromthebathroom.

She putdownher cerealand wenttothedoor. “Yes?”

Jen openedthedoorand pulled her in. Shetwisted onthetap,thesoundof fastrunning water drowning outtheir words.“Can you getridof themfor me?”sheasked.


“You know—tellthemI’msickor something. Justgetrid of them.”

Gigi frowned. “I’mnot… No.Youcan doyourown dirtywork.”

“Please,Gigi?”Jen pleaded. “I’ll dowhateveryouwant.”

One ofGigi’s browsrose.“Anything?”


Thewheelsbegan toturn in her head.“All right. You’reresponsiblefor cleaning thebathroom until wegraduate… Doyouwantmetogetrid ofthemor not?”shesnappedwhen Jen madea face.

Begrudgingly,Jen said,“I’lldoitforthenextsixmonths.”

Gigiwas triumphant.“I would havetakenyoudoing itforthenexttwoweeks.”

Jen glared ather for amomentbeforesmiling. “Wellplayed,Borello.”

“Thanks. I’llgoand getridof them now.”Sheturnedoff thetap andopenedthe door.Declan and Ben wereinthesmallkitchen, oneholding acup ofcoffee,theothereatingwhatGigi suspected was her breakfast.

“I’mreallysorry, guys,butJen’s justtoldmethatshe’sgota raging caseofchlamydia and can’t cometosee youoff.”

Bothof their faces drainedof color. Declan wasthefirsttohead backtothebedroom. Ben wasn’t far behind him,andwhen theycameouttheywere both dressedand heading forthedoor.

“Oh,pleaseleaveyour numbersso Jen can call you,”she calledoutafter them.Neitherof them stopped.When the door slammed shut,Jen burstoutof the bathroom.

“Whythefuckdidyoutell themthat?”

She smirked. “Youtoldmetogetridof them.”

“Yeah,butnotbytelling themIhavean STD!”

Gigipicked up thehalf-eaten bowlofcereal and tipped itdown thesink.“Howdoyouknow?You mightafter lastnight.”

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