Page 165 of Primal Kill

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“How long can we stay here?”

“In the water? I imagine until our fingers and toes are pruned.”

“No.” Adriel laughed, pinching her playfully. “In Greece.”

“I knew what you meant.” She kissed her nose. “We can stay as long as you want. Forever, if it pleases you.”

She sighed and rested her head on Juniper’s shoulder. “Dane will eventually leave.”

“I expect it.” Juniper didn’t know if that goodbye would come tomorrow or a year from now, but she sensed he was already growing restless. The moment he found a new purpose, he’d move full speed in that direction. Anything to take his mind off the reality he didn’t want to face. “I wish there were some way we could help him.”

“He’s broken hearted. Mourning takes time.”

“I just don’t want him to feel alone. We’re his family now.”

“And while family is wonderful, some of life’s hardest moments are best passed alone. Grief can make a person quite ugly at times.” Her fingers trailed slowly up and down her spine. “The bonding’s probably already happened.”

Juniper’s head tilted. “How does that work?”

“I thought I knew, but…” Rather than dwell on past deceptions, she shared only what she understood. “The bonding is said to be very powerful between immortals. There’s a blood exchange and then the mating takes place, at which point two souls are reunited and become one again. Once it’s done, it cannot be undone.”

“What about with shadow-wolves? Do they drink blood?”

“I don’t know. The elders implied it was impossible to be called by another species.”

“The elders are not to be trusted. Christian’s one thing. As your son, he has earned your trust. And the Bishop—I guess he’s okay. But the others…”

“Perhaps my father will have some insight.”

“Now, Lazarus I trust.”

Adriel smirked. “You’re cute with my father.”

Juniper paused. She hadn’t thought much about her interactions with Lazarus, but when she did think about him, she felt a wave of security. He somehow earned her trust when she didn’t easily give trust to anyone. In only a short time, she learned to look to him for advice and input as if it were something she’d always done.

“I’ve never known anyone like him. He’s so knowledgeable and encouraging. He’s like…” Words failed her.

“A father,” Adriel supplied.

“Yes. I guess that’s it. He’s agoodfather. I’ve never known anyone like that. At least not in my personal life.”

“Well, now you do. We’re in this together.”

“A family,” Juniper confirmed, finally letting that sense of belonging settle in. “You’re sure you’re okay with staying here? It’s going to be very different from The Order, Ade.”

“I would never ask you to return to a place that holds such bad memories for you.”

Knowing that the farm had been her home for centuries, that level of sacrifice seemed unfathomable. “What about Christian?”

“He’ll visit. This is exactly where I want to be.”

“Thank you for considering my feelings. I know you loved the farm.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I did love the farm, but that doesn’t compare to how much I love you. We’re in this together. We’re going to make a new home that’s ours.”

“Together.” She liked the way that sounded.

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