Page 141 of Primal Kill

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“She’s sorry for that.”

“Does she plan to fix my father?”

“She can’t. Not yet, at least, but she’s getting stronger. Her magick’s improving. You should see what she can?—”

“Spare me your gushing praise. That witch is dangerous and you shouldn’t trust her.”

“You don’t know her.”

“I know you.”

“What does that mean?”

She looked away, but not before he caught the sheen of tears in her eyes. Was she jealous?

“We’re only friends, Grace.”

“Don’t you have enoughfriends?” A tear slipped past her lashes.

“Hey.” He caught her hand. “Don’t cry.”

“I’ll survive.” She wiped her eyes and straightened her shoulders, but she wouldn’t meet his stare.

“Have you been…okay?”

She shrugged. “It’s been quiet here since you left.”

He tried to smile, but failed. “Bet you’re not getting as many headaches with me gone.”

She laughed, the sound watery and adorable. “Sometimes I miss them.”

“No you don’t.”

She finally met his stare, and a million secrets passed between them. “As much as a literal pain blocking you from my mind was, I got used to it. Without the headaches, I always feel like I’m forgetting something.”

She would eventually forget him. He released her hand and rubbed his chest. “Has there been any sighting of…”

“No.” Genuine remorse flashed in her crystal blue eyes. “No one has seen Isaiah or Cybil since the night you left.”

Dane thought about Lazarus. The immortal had so much knowledge about so many things. “The family I’m staying with is teaching me things they don’t teach you here. There’s a wholeworld of immortals out there, Grace. Covens that make their own rules. The females are treated as equals and have so much freedom.”

“I like my home. I feel protected here.”

“I’m just saying you have options if you ever want to leave.”

“I don’t.”

“Well…” Some things never changed. There was no point spiraling toward the same old arguments. “I should get going.”

“Why are you here, Dane?”

“Adriel’s in trouble. We’re picking up Christian.”


He didn’t want to worry her, but he also didn’t want to lie. “Our father abducted Adriel. He’s hurting her, and we have to save her.”

“You mean her mate.”

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