Page 117 of Primal Kill

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As her mate, he would lay down his life for hers if the gods willed it so. She was to be his, and he was therefore hers. One flesh, one heart, and one soul until the end of time.


“Go away,” Juniper groaned when Dane knocked for the twentieth time.

“I know you don’t want to be bothered, but you didn’t touch your breakfast or your lunch and it’s now dinner.”

“Not hungry.” She pulled a pillow over her head.

“Juniper, there are a lot of things—I’m sensing—that you and Adriel didn’t tell me. I can’t force it out of you, but could you at least just…talk to me? I don’t understand what happened?”

He wasn’t going to leave her alone. Tossing her pillow aside, she huffed, “Come in.”

The door creaked, and Dane’s heavy footsteps ascended the narrow attic steps. “Can I turn on a light?”

She flicked her hand, and the candles lit. “I don’t feel like talking.”

“At least tell me whatyou’re feeling.”

Hurt. Angry. Sad. Betrayed. Scared. Alone. She could have said any of those words, but instead, she asked, “Do you hate Grace?”

“What? No. I mean, she pisses me off, and she’s as stubborn as a mule, but I get it.”

“Youget it?” Juniper sat up, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. “You’re just gonna accept that she doesn’t love you.”

“On some level, I think she does, even if it’s just as a friend.”

She scoffed. “That’s worse.”

“How is that worse?”

“Because it’s unrequited love. You love her, she loves you, you’ve both decided to suffer.” She flung out her hands in defeat and let them flop to her lap. “Neato.”

He frowned. “What was going on between you two, June? I get that you’re upset about Adriel leaving, but… Are you honestly that surprised? She’s an immortal. Immortals are the most self-serving species on the planet.”

“You read the letter?—”

“No, I didn’t.”

She didn’t believe him. “Oh, come on. You found it first and it wasn’t sealed.”

“So? It had your name on it.”

“You aren’t seriously that honest.”

“Do I look dishonest?”

Her mouth twisted. “You robbed the tabernacle of a church.”

“One time! And I was starving. Churches are supposed to help the needy.” He shrugged. “You guys found me and gave me a place to live. I’m not going to repay your kindness by betraying your trust or violating your privacy.”

Her anger deflated in the face of his calm-headedness. “You’re way nicer than me.”

“Well, no offense, but you don’t set the bar real high.”

She gaped at him and shoved him off the bed. “Jerk.”

He laughed and sat back down. “I’m just kidding. You can be sweet when you want to.”

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