Page 49 of Wickedly Innocent

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“You don’t know what you heard,you stupid bitch!” Ben yelled as he tried to rush past Ian. Ithappened so fast, Ian grabbed him around his throat and had himshoved against the wall. The movement was so vicious it made meflinch as I watched him. His back and arm muscles flexed as theyheld Ben tightly.

“You might want to rethink how youspeak to my daughter,” he said with a deathly calm.

“Let me go!” Ben gripped Ian’swrists and squirmed to get away from him. Ian held rock still, notbothered by his weak attempts.

I looked back to Anna. “What doyou mean he saidmyname?” I asked as a chill snaked down myspine.

Anna shook her head and held herhand out to me. Whatever she held was still concealed as I lookedat it. “I thought maybe he finally convinced you to sleep with him.I wasn’t about to let that happen so I … I barged in and I foundhim with these.” She opened her hand and tears clouded my vision.There in her hand sat a pair of red panties with a little pinkheart on them.I knew I packed them.

“Lindsey, don’t listen to her!”Ben yelled but it was background noise.

I zeroed in on the garment in mybest friend’s hand. I felt myself move before I registered that Iwas actually doing anything. My fingers brushed over the littleembroidered heart before gripping the fabric. I pulled it from herhand and rubbed my fingers over the soft material. That’s what hewas looking for in my bag the other day. He didn’t need anymedicine, he wanted something that was mine so he could usethem.

“He was … smelling them while he…”Anna spoke softly and my stomach dropped.Ben really was a sickfuck.

“They’re not even hers!” Ben liedbefore Ian put more of his weight on him.

Anna whipped around to face himwith a harsh look on her face. “I’m her fucking roommate, youdipshit. We do our laundry together most of the time. Iknowthese are hers!” Anna yelled back.

Ben struggled against Ian so hardthat his face was turning bright red. Ian looked like he was readyto beat the shit out of him at any moment but held himself back. Itmust have taken huge restraint because evenIwanted to beatthe shit out of him.

I stepped around Anna, stillholding the underwear I would be throwing away later in my hand. Ifaced Ben whose eyes softened when he looked at me.

“You have to believe me, LindseyBug. I would never do something like this to you,” he begged.

It was Melonie’s turn to scofffrom her place off to the side. She held a nasty look on her faceas she stared at me. “That explains why he saidyournameyesterday when he was fuckingme. What the hell is sospecial about you?” she asked but I ignored her question.

Ben had said my name when hewas with Melonie?All this time I thought we were friends buthe had seen me as more than that. Suddenly all the times he showedup seemingly out of nowhere made sense. He was infatuated withme.

I backed up to get further awayfrom him. Ian was looking over his shoulder at me with worrymarring his features. If he weren’t holding Ben back I knew hewould be comforting me. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked in a smallvoice.

Ben stilled his movements andstared at me. I watched his face morph before my very eyes frominnocence to malice. He smiled a cruel smile that sent a shiverdown my spine. I wasn’t going to like what came next.

“What’s wrong with me? Don’t youmean, what’s wrong with you? I don’t know many desperate whoresthat fuck their best friend’s dad behind her back,” he snarled.

I sucked in a sharp breath rightas Ian reared back and punched Ben in the nose. The sickeningcrunch of his nose breaking reverberated through the room. Bencrumpled to the floor holding his face as Ian turned toward me andAnna. I could feel all the blood rush to my ears as I watched Benwrithe on the floor, blood dripping below him. As if she wereshooting lasers at me, I could feel Anna’s stare on the side of myface. I slowly faced her as panic laced my blood.

“What’s he talking about?” Annaasked me with hurt in her eyes. I could feel tears pricking theback of my eyes as I stared at my best friend.

“Anna, I—” I stumbled over mywords as Ian came to my side. He had enough sense to not touch meas Anna’s eyes bounced between the two of us.

“Don’t even try to lie, you bitch!I saw him in your bathroom,” Ben spat toward my back. “I saw theway you lethimtouch you. The way he held you in front ofthe mirror and you basically let him fuck you! Do you even realizehow much that hurt me to see? I’m the one that’s been there for youall these years. I saved you from all those losers back home.Showing up on your dates before those fuckers could take advantageof you. And how do you repay me? You let someone you barely knowfuck you like a common whore!”

My vision seemed to flickerbetween hyper-focus and blurry as I let his words sink in. Ianturned back toward Ben at the same time I did. His nose was pouringblood as he smiled up at me. It was like a scene from a horrormovie when the heroine finally realizes that the psycho-killer hadbeen her friend all along.

“How—” my voice trembled and thenI realized what he was saying. “You watched me through the bathroomwindow, didn’t you?” The flicker of movement I saw that night thatI pushed off like it was a deer or something. It had really beenBen watching me all along. “You watched me while I was bathing?” Iwrapped my arms around my body as though to shield myself from hisprying eyes even though it was too late. I felt more violated thanI ever had in my entire life. “How long have you been watching me,Ben?” A surge of adrenaline like I’d never felt before thrummedthrough my blood. I didn’t know if my body was priming itself torun away or beat the shit out of Ben. I watched his face go pastywhite as if he just realized what he said.

“This is rich,” Melonie mumbled asshe watched the scene unfold in front of her, like her own personalsoap opera.

“Fuck off, Melonie!” I yelled, Iwas so done with her shit. Melonie simply scowled at me while Ireturned my attention to Ben.

“It’s not like that, Lindsey Bug.I’m just looking out for you,” he said as he got up on hisknees.

“By stalking me?” I screeched.

I felt pure rage vibrate from Ianat that moment and I knew if I didn’t stop him he would kill Ben.He may be a fucking pervert but he didn’t deserve to die. Themoment Ian took a step forward I grabbed his arm to stop him.

“Don’t,” I said as I slid my handdown into his. Ian flexed his jaw as he stared at Ben beforelowering his gaze to me. “He isn’t worth it,” I said as I looked upat him softly. Ian’s eyes softened as he held my stare.

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