Page 40 of Wickedly Innocent

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He chuckled before lapping at meagain. I could feel his devious grin against my cleft. “Sayplease,” he growled before moving with quickness.

The unbearable pressure at my corebecame too much as I felt a burning wash of arousal bombard me. Mypussy clenched down onto his fingers right before he clamped hishot mouth back to me. I cried my release and felt a rush of fieryliquid soak his fingers and chin. He groaned against me as waveafter wave of ecstasy crashed over me.

“Please fuck me, Sir!” Iscreamed.

Whatever tight restraint he hadleft snapped as he grabbed for me. He pulled us up the bed androlled us quickly until he had me situated on top of him. He leanedagainst the plush headboard as he pulled my hips to his. I couldfeel his pulsing cock against my slick core and I wanted nothingmore than to put his hot length inside of me. I needed him to markme as his in every single way.

“I had a vasectomytwenty-something years ago and I’m clean, but if you don’t feelcomfortable taking me raw there are condoms in the nightstand,” hestated with urgency as his hands roamed my body.

I gripped his cock between mythighs and raised onto my knees. “I trust you,” I said as I strokedhim. I felt as though I was going to die if I didn’t get to feelhim inside of me.

He stilled my hand before crashinghis lips to mine. I could feel my release still coating his beardand it only served to heighten my need for him. I sighed againsthim as he ate at my lips. I was ravenous when he pulled away enoughto speak. “You decide how fast this goes, Lindsey. We go at yourpace,” he whispered against my lips.

I nodded against him and felt asudden flood of nerves rush to the surface. If I was finally goingto have sex, I was glad it was with Ian. I released my breathslowly and tried to relax.

I gripped him with a shaky hand asI lined him up with my entrance. My slickness made it easy for himto slide in inch by inch. Pure desire sparkled in his sea-coloredeyes as he pushed into me the slightest bit. I gripped hisshoulders and focused on his softened features as I slowly dippedlower with each pass.

I knew he wasn’t even halfwayinside of me but I felt as though I were being stretched to mybreaking point. Reality dawned on me the moment he hit that placeinside of me that marked me as a virgin. The thin little piece offlesh we would have to rip through protested painfully as his thicklength throbbed against it. I moaned an uncomfortable sound assweat broke out along my brow. I didn’t know how I would be able totake all of him.Maybe this was a mistake.

“Hey,” he murmured as he grippedmy chin between his fingers. I’m sure my face mirrored mydiscomfort as he soothingly rubbed my thigh with his free hand. Ifocused on that hand going up and down from my knee up to my hipover and over again.

“I … I don’t kn … what if I c—” Istuttered as I trembled.

“Shh, it’s all right,” he saidsoothingly as his hand dipped to my sex. I sucked in a sharp breathas his thumb rubbed my clitoris, making me needy all over again.“Relax and take a deep breath.”

I did as I was told and took ashaky breath in before releasing it. He breathed with me and wetook a few more calming breaths. His thumb never stopped rubbing meand I could feel myself building up just to crumble back down.

“You look so fucking beautiful,Lindsey.” He palmed my breast with his free hand and lightly grazedhis thumb over my hardened nipple, lighting me up. “I’m so goddamnproud to call you mine, Bambi. You were made to take me,” hemurmured and I preened at his loving words. “I can feel that littlecunt throbbing around me. I’m only halfway in and I can feel yousqueezing the life out of me. I’m going to make you come for mewhile I’m inside of you.” He upped his thumbs’ movements and Icould feel my hips start to move again. “Yes, Lindsey. I want tofeel you pulse around my cock, be a good girl and come on yourSir.”

His words were my undoing as Icame crashing down and I braced myself. When the first wavecrashed, Ian grabbed my hips and slammed me down onto his cock,fully sheathing himself. My orgasm ripped through me at the sametime blinding pain tore at my core. The pleasure mixed with thepain blended so perfectly that it took my breath away.

I wailed as I leaned forward tohis shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and held me to hischest as I adjusted to him. I could feel tears prick the back of myeyes from the pain but as I sat in his arms I could already feel itmelting into something else entirely.

Ian rubbed my back and sang softpraises as he kissed my hair, neck, and shoulder. I sank into him,soaking in the entire experience for what it was. Loving everyuncensored, raw feeling that surrounded the moment. I could feelhim throbbing inside of me and I knew he was withholding his ownpleasure just to make sure I was all right. My chest expanded witha warm feeling at the thought.

“Are you okay, Lindsey?” hemurmured against my hair.

I nodded as the pain in my coredimmed into a dull ache. I sat back slowly but his hands never leftme, he simply slipped them back down to my legs. I released a shakybreath as I slowly pulled myself up, sliding up his thick shaft. Igasped at the sensation of nerves firing that I didn’t even knowexisted until that moment. Ian flexed his hands against my thighsas pleasure morphed across his beautiful features.

“Fuck!” he growled as I sank backonto him slowly. “This isn’t going to last long,” he gritted behindclenched teeth. I could feel his abdomen flex with restraintagainst my palms as I rose again. That time when I moaned it waswith pleasure. I could feel myself winding up all over again.

I felt my body start to shake asnew sensations fired deep within my core. “Ian,” I whimpered.“Please.”

As if my words broke the chainsthat restrained him, he pounced. He gripped my lower back as hepulled me under him, never taking his cock from me. I yelped as hefit his hips between my thighs and fucked into me with urgency.Every twist of his hips ground against my throbbing clit, drivingme to the brink of insanity.

“You are mine. This pussy is mine,say it!” he growled.

“I’m yours, all of me is yours!” Iscreamed as my orgasm loomed over my head. I wrapped my legs aroundhim and gripped his muscled back with my fingers.

“That’s right. No one else willever have this tight little cunt. I’m your first and your last.” Hegripped my breast and pulled it up toward his mouth. “Now, be agood little slut and come all over my cock,” he commanded beforehis hot mouth latched onto my achy nipple.

As if I was waiting for hiscommand, I exploded around him. My back arched and I dug my nailsinto the smooth skin on his back as I screamed my release.

“Oh, fuck!” he growled as heslammed into me one last time. I felt his hot release spew deep ashe pulsed inside of me. His mouth dropped open as he rubbed into mewith a long groan. I didn’t think I would ever get tired of seeingthat ecstasy contort his features.

When his orgasm subsided hecollapsed on top of me. I welcomed his heavy weight as if it were ablanket. He kissed my neck and I rubbed his back. He stayed insideof me for long moments as we soaked in the last moments of my firsttime. A swell of pride surged through my body as I realized I wasno longer a virgin and I had made the correct decision to let thisman take that precious part of me.

Chapter Eighteen

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