Page 20 of Wickedly Innocent

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“So impatient,” he murmured. “Nothere,” he whispered before lowering my hand. He used his finger tomove mine around my entrance. I gasped at the sensation it leftbehind. “Here,” he said. “Push that finger into your tight cunt forme.”

The way he said it made me want todo anything for him. I would’ve burnt the world down for him atthat moment. I leaned my head back and looked up at him again as Iallowed him to lead my middle finger inside my tight channel. Thefeeling felt foreign but so, so good.

I licked my lips and stared up athim as I tentatively moved my finger in and out of me. My arousalmade it easy for me to slide smoothly.

“Feel good?” he asked as his handleft mine. He snaked his fingers under my palm and circled my clit.I nodded my head as I urged myself to go faster. I was alreadybuilding to another life-altering orgasm.

“Ian, please,” I begged, for whatI wasn’t sure, it just felt right.

“No,” he growled. “When we’re likethis you call me Sir. I like the way you say it.” A surge ofscorching lust rushed up my body at his command.Why was that sohot? “Curl your finger up and rub yourself in firm passes,” herasped.

I did as he asked and gasped asthe new sensation overshadowed all the others. I pushed up harderand the pressure I felt in my pelvis was unreal. He rubbed myclitoris in gliding strokes as I fingered myself. I felt like arubber band coiling too tightly and I was about to unravel.

“Fuck, yes,” he hissed as I rubbedagainst his hand now. “Come, Lindsey,” he commanded.

“Kiss me … Sir.” I moaned as thefirst wave crashed over me. He wasted no time as he crashed hislips to mine again. He pinched my clit between his fingers and Iscreamed into his mouth as the orgasm intensified. I kept moving myfingers as rush after rush of arousal coated them, makingeverything slick and erotic. The wet sounds coming from me filledthe room along with my harsh breathing.

Ian groaned against me as I feltsomething warm against my back. He had found his own release as Ifound mine and it was soaking through the robe. My musclescontracted and released erratically as I slowly came back down toearth.

When he pulled his hand away fromme and took mine with it, I thought for a second I had donesomething wrong. That was until he released my mouth and brought myglistening fingers up to his lips. He closed his eyes and I watchedhim as he sucked my wet digits past his lips. I gasped as histongue licked at me until my fingers were clean again. The lookthat crossed his face was pure bliss as he tasted me.

I’d never seen anything like itand second to watching him pleasure himself, it was one of the mosterotic things I’d ever witnessed.

When he was done licking me clean,he gently pushed at my back urging me to sit. I did and he slippedfrom the bed. He walked to the bathroom and returned shortly with awarm wet washcloth. My eyes immediately went to the dark stain onhis crotch. I bit my lip and blushed at the sight of it. He lookeddown at himself and chuckled.

“I got a little too excitedwatching you.” He laughed. He pushed the robe off my shoulders andthen pointed to the pillow, indicating he wanted me to lie down. Idid just that and shivered as he grabbed the robe and threw ittoward the door.

He watched my reaction as hespread my legs. It was still dim in the room but I knew he couldstill see everything. If the lust in his eyes was any indication, Iwould say he didn’t mind what he was looking at.

He gently cleaned my sex as hiseyes gobbled up the rest of my body. He had just come but thatdidn’t stop the tent that suddenly appeared in front of his ruinedpants. My fingers itched with the need to touch him but I refrainedas he pulled away. He tossed the rag over with my robe beforelooking back down at my naked form.

“I would like to hold you,” hesaid to me as a way of asking for permission.

I flushed and then scolded myself.As if him holding me would be the dirtiest thing that happened heretonight. I nodded up at him.

The smile that he gave me wasworth all the embarrassment of the night. He wasted no time as hehooked his thumbs into the waist of his sweats and pulled the wetgarment down, kicking them toward my robe.

His cock sprang free and Icouldn’t stop my stare. It bobbed between his legs, long and hard.He had a slight curve up toward his belly button. His thick shaftled up to the bulbous head that had a pearly liquid at the tip. Ilicked my lips as visions of tasting him came to my mind.Thatwas supposed to fit inside of me?

As if he could read my mind, Ian’schuckle pulled me from my thoughts. “Not tonight, Bambi. We’ve hadenough activity,” he said as he climbed into the bed next to me. Hepulled me to his front and covered us both up.

I had never laid in bed with aman, let alone a naked one, so I had no clue how I was supposed tosleep. But as I lay there feeling his hard body pressed against myback, I found my breath syncing up with his. He kissed my shoulderand then my neck as I settled into him. It wasn’t long after thatwe both found oblivion.

Chapter Nine

“Are you having fun?” my mom’schipper voice sounded over the speaker of my phone from thenightstand as I made the bed. She’d called me shortly after I’dgotten dressed this morning. I tried not to flush at the memory ofwaking up naked.

I’d slept so well the nightbefore, wrapped in a cocoon of warmth that was Dr. Ian Young. And Ionly panicked slightly when I woke up as the early morning lighttrickled in through the windows. My eyes immediately sprung openwhen I replayed the night’s events in my mind as I woke up. Ithought for sure that Anna would walk into my room at any momentand see her dad lying naked with me pressed against him. But to mysurprise, it was almost as if he had never been there at all as Itouched the now cold pillow.

I wasn’t sure what time he hadsnuck back to his room but he’d taken our ruined garments with him.I’d whispered a small thanks to the universe for that. I wouldn’thave known what to do with them other than to hide the evidencefrom snooping eyes.

I’d bounded out of bed and rushedto the door so fast it would make a track star jealous. Once Igripped the doorknob, I’d taken a soothing breath before crackingthe door ever so slightly. I don’t know what I expected when Ilooked out. If I thought he’d be waiting on me to peep my head out,I’d been sorely mistaken as I came face to face with a silent,empty hallway. I quickly closed the door and got dressed.

As I shook out the duvet I triedto shake away the feeling of rightness at falling asleep with himin my bed. What had happened last night was inappropriate, to saythe least. Not only had I crossed a line regarding intimacy withsomeone I wasn’t even dating, but I had done it with my friend’sdad. I should feel guilty and gross about what I let happen herelast night. I should feel the need to tell him it would neverhappen again.

So why did I only feel this warmthin my chest whenever I thought of it? Why did remembering the wayhe made me touch myself only get me hot all over again? Instead ofhaving the urge to beg for Anna’s forgiveness, all I wanted to dowas beg Ian for more.

Was I sick for wanting him toteach me …everything? I wanted to learn what it felt likefor a man to touch me in all the ways a man could touch a woman. Iwanted him to show me how he liked to be touched too. I needed toknow how to make him feel the same way he made me feel. I wantedour hands and mouths to explore each other until neither of uscould stand it anymore. I just wantedhim.

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