Page 19 of Wickedly Innocent

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“Answer me,” he demanded.

“No, I-I…” I stammered as hisfingers continued to tease their way down. He spread the robe open,exposing my breasts to his hungry eyes. “I’ve never…” I trailedoff.

His fingers stopped movingaltogether and I almost begged him to keep going. The thumping inmy core was relentless in its need for him.

“You’ve never what? Come before?”he asked as he pulled away to look at me. Taking his lips withhim.

“I’ve never … done that,” Iadmitted breathlessly. A hot flush washed over me as he furrowedhis brows as though thinking of my words.

“You’ve never touched yourself?”he asked but it wasn’t a question. I pulled away from him asembarrassment flooded me for the second time that night. Why had Ijust admitted that to him? I felt so stupid.

Before I could think to move anyfurther away, he pounced. He quickly sat on the bed next to me,grabbed me around my waist, and scooted us further up the bed. Thebottle of pills bouncing and rattling to the ground was nothingmore than an afterthought as he leaned against the headboard andthe pillows and pulled me between his legs, my back to his front.He wrapped his feet around my ankles and spread me wide.

I flushed as I felt the cool airof the room rush against my wet folds, sending new waves ofawareness through me. I whimpered as his hands untied the knot ofmy robe and exposed all of me to him. I tried to cover myself againbut he stopped me by grabbing both of my hands and holding themagainst my belly.

“Shhh, Bambi,” he whispered in myear and I stilled. My heart still racing, I tried to calm thelabored puffs that rushed from my chest. “I’m going to teachyou.”

His words excited and scared me atthe same time. Was he looking at my body and judging it the sameway I did? Did he see the way my breasts sagged as I sat or thepooch at my belly as it lay exposed?

He groaned behind and that’s whenI felt his hard length press against my lower back. He was turnedon from looking at me. The thought sent a wave of pride throughme.

He cupped both of my hands in hisand made me touch the smooth skin on my belly. He led one hand upto my breasts and around my nipple. I groaned as he pinched myfingers together on the tender flesh.

“That’s it, Bambi. Feel how yourbody reacts to your touch. Does that feel good?” His husky voicesent shivers down my spine. I didn’t think I could speak withoutstammering so I simply nodded and licked my lips.

He slowly moved my other hand downover the swell of my belly toward my mound. I hummed with pleasureas my fingers met the wet flesh there. I began to tremble as heforced me lower.

“Relax, feel,” he murmured. Eventhough I couldn’t see his eyes from this position, I could feel hisgaze as he watched what he was making me do.

He pushed my hand further down andspread my fingers with his. The movement spread me wider, exposingall of me now. My clit throbbed and a new rush of arousal leakedout of me. I was so turned on I felt like my body would burn up atany moment.

It wasn’t as if I’d never touchedmyself before, I had. But I’d never done it this way. I’d only evertouched myself in a hygienic way, never a sexual one. And if I wasbeing honest, I’d never evenwantedto touch myself anyother way. That was until now. Now I knew the way I was touchingmyself was going to lead to a new experience I wouldn’t soon forgetand I craved it more than I did my next breath.

My hand on my breast moved withouthim prompting me now. I pinched and plucked at myself as hemimicked the movements on my other nipple. I had hardly touched mypussy but I could feel something earth-shattering building now. Myhips churned of their own volition before he moved me again.

I could feel him twitch against meas my fingers grazed over my sensitive clit. I gasped and archedaway from him as he made me rub myself in tight circles. He movedhis hand at my breast up toward my neck before gripping me firmly.He turned me, forcing me to look up at him.

“Tell me how that pussy feels,” hecommanded as lust clouded his hooded gaze.

I moaned as the tightness in mycore grew almost unbearable. He moved my hand further down,gathering wetness from my center and bringing my fingers up tocircle the throbbing nerve once again.

“Wet,” I said in a voice I didn’trecognize. He grunted and rubbed himself against my back at my oneproclamation. It was like he was getting just as much pleasure fromwatching me as he was getting earlier by himself.

“That’s right, Bambi. That greedycunt is sopping, begging for a cock. But all it’s going to get isyour little fingers tonight.” His dirty words drove me higher.

My legs started to tremble as Imoved my fingers faster. He wasn’t even leading me anymore, it waslike my body knew what it wanted and exactly how to get it. Hishand moved out of the way and squeezed the inside of my thigh as Iclimbed that mountain I was sure I would fall off soon.

I stared at him as I writhedagainst him. His hand on my neck never let up as he watched me workmyself into a tizzy.

“Yes, Lindsey. Feel that pussytighten and release. Come against your hand, baby.” As if his wordswere my undoing, everything crashed down around me. I clamped downon my breast and opened my mouth on a wail.

Ian groaned as I came and finallyslammed his mouth down onto mine. He didn’t ask for permission andhe wasn’t gentle as he shoved his tongue into my mouth and drankdown my cries of passion. My clit pulsed harshly against myfast-working fingers as he forced my legs to stay open with hishand and feet.

When the waves of my orgasmsoothed and I sagged against him he released my lips. I let my handfall to the side as aftershocks wracked my body.

Ian finally released my neck andmoved his hands down my body once more. “You did so well, LittleBambi. I’m so proud of you,” he praised as his hands raked down mybreasts, plucking the still-tightened buds again. The movement sentnew sparks of arousal to my still-throbbing core. I moaned as Ileaned against him again, wanting more.

This time I didn’t need a guide asmy fingers delved through my folds again. I jerked as I circled myclit again. I started to hasten my movements when his hand stoppedme. I groaned in frustration as he stilled me.

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