Page 17 of Wickedly Innocent

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It was late in the evening now. Bythe time we left the lodge and made it back to the cabin, dusk hadalready fallen. Anna had prepared my favorite meal, homemadelasagna with salad and garlic bread. Everything had beendelicious.

I’d expected the meal to beawkward on my part because of Ian. But he had surprised me whenhe’d gotten himself a plateful, kissed Anna on top of her head, andtold us he had work to do so he would be in his office. The reliefI felt was short-lived as Melonie had offered to keep himcompany.

“No, thanks,” he’d said as heglanced briefly toward me before turning and disappearing down thehallway.

I was surprised when I kept mycool as Melonie pouted at his answer. Anna had looked at her likeshe was crazy for even offering. Melonie had shrugged at her beforeclaiming she was just “being nice.”

I came to my door and glancedtoward the one next to mine that I knew to be Ian’s. It wasn’tquite closed as I could see a dim light shining from the opening. Iwondered what he was doing in there and then quickly dismissed thethought. It wasn’t any of my business what he was doing.

I slid into my room and shut thedoor with a solid click. I didn’t bother with the light as I paddedinto the en suite bathroom. This room was just as stylish as therest of my room. White tiles with sleek black grout paved the wayto the huge claw-foot tub that sat against two big windows. Ibriefly wondered if the outside of the windows were tinted so onlyyou could see outside but no one would be able to see in. Not thatit mattered much. We were in the middle of nowhere so I wasn’t tooworried about prying eyes.

I sat my wine down on the sink andplugged the tub before flipping the water to hot. I poured myself aglass and sipped the cold sweet red liquid before placing it besidethe tub and shedding my clothes. Gooseflesh raced across my skin asthe chill of the room caressed me. After I tossed my sweater to thefloor I unclasped my bra, letting my breasts bounce free.

I avoided the mirror as I slid mythick leggings down my legs along with my panties. It’s not that Ihated my body, we just weren’t the best of friends most days. Itseemed that no matter what I tried I was never able to lose thoseextra pounds I always carried around.

The tub wasn’t quite full as Istood there naked. I took another sip of my wine as I glanced atthe mirror. It’s not like I was ugly, I decided as I stared at myreflection. My face was truthfully quite pretty. I looked a lotlike my mom aside from my grey eyes and dark brown hair. Those Ihad received from my asshole dad.

I let my eyes wander down my body.My breasts were large and not as perky as a lot of othertwenty-one-year-olds. They sagged slightly with the weight. Lower Iwent as I assessed myself. My belly had a solid pooch that noamount of crunches got rid of. I had love handles with just thesmallest amount of stretch marks that marred the skin there. Mymound was trimmed and kept nicely. Even though nobody had ever seenthat part of me, that didn’t mean I was lax on maintenance. Mythighs liked each other so much that they were always touching. Ifthere was one part of my body I really liked, it was those.

I sighed as I ran my hands down mysides, pinching and pulling on all the parts I didn’t like. Bodypositivity wasn’t a thing that lived in everyone’s mind.

I pulled my long waves into amessy bun before I turned and shut the water off. I added somesweet-smelling soap to the water and breathed in the steam.Gripping my glass, I stepped into the hot bath with a hiss. It washot but it felt good as I let the warmth seep into my bones. I tookanother sip of my wine before placing it on the lip of the tub andsitting back.

I closed my eyes and released abreath I felt as though I’d been holding all day as I relaxed.

I must have fallen asleep at somepoint because when I opened my eyes my water was chilled and mywine was warm. I yawned as I sat up in the water and looked at myhands. I chuckled at my seriously pruned fingers. I stood onextremely loose legs, not knowing how long it had been. I was likea noodle that had cooked too long.

I stepped out of the tub andgrabbed one of the soft white towels. I hastily dried myself beforewrapping the black robe that was on the bathroom door around me. Igrabbed my wineglass and dumped it down the sink.

I left the bathroom and walkedacross the room toward the massive bed and tried not to think aboutthe fact that my bed was against the same wall that separated mineand Ian’s rooms. Glancing at the clock, I was shocked to see it hadbeen over an hour since I got in the bath. I would bet everyone inthe cabin was asleep by now.

I started to turn my bedside lighton so I could find something to sleep in when I heard a muffledsound through the wall. I stood stock still like if I dared to movesomething bad would happen. My breath quieted as I stood there andlistened closely for any other sound. Then I heard it again. Isquinted at the wall as if I could see what was happening on theother side. It wasn’t words that I was hearing but I couldn’t quitemake out what it was.

Maybe I was a sick person for itor I had more stalker tendencies than I thought, but I didn’t talkmyself out of it as I stepped forward and placed my ear to thewall. I wanted to know what I was hearing. My heart thundered in mychest and my breath left my nose in labored puffs. It was like mybody knew I was doing something I shouldn’t be.

I slammed my hands over my mouthand jumped back when I heard it again. It wasn’t voices but it wasa groan. A deep masculine groan. A sexual groan.

I swallowed around the lump in mythroat as I stared at the wall and then the door that led to thehallway. Was Ian with someone in his room? Was it Melonie? Jealousylike I’d never felt flared through my body making me hot and coldall at the same time. As if my feet had a mind of their own, Iwalked toward the door and opened it. If Ian was really withMelonie I needed to see it with my own eyes. I justified my actionsby telling myself that if he was with her then that would end myinfatuation with him.

I stepped out into the hall withquiet feet and left my door open. I spied his door a few feet awayand padded closer. It was still slightly ajar like it had beenearlier this evening, only this time the light was off.

I eased up to the door and took asteady breath. The hall light was off so I was bathed in darkness,and I knew there was no chance he would see me. My heart keptthundering in my chest so hard I could hear it in my ears as Ileaned into the opening.

His room was dark with theexception of the moonlight bouncing off the white snow outside. Ittook my eyes a moment to adjust until I caught sight of his bed. Isucked in a sharp breath as I looked for him.

Then I saw him. He was laying onhis bed but nobody else was with him. At first, I thought he wasasleep but then he moved. No, not just moved, he jerked. I feltarousal flood my core as I watched him.

By the light of the moon outside Icould barely make out his face as it contorted in pleasure. He wasnaked and the blankets were thrown to the side as he gripped hishard cock in his right hand and jerked it roughly. I felt wetnessfill the space between my thighs and my skin tighten painfully.

I stared as he leaned his head upand watched what he was doing to himself. He led his other handdown his body to cup his balls as he rubbed his cock with a firmgrip. I gripped the doorframe with white-knuckle force as he tossedhis head back and groaned long and deep. He became erratic in hislong pulls from his impressive length until suddenly he jerkedalmost violently. His mouth opened with a gasp as he spilled hisrelease all over his belly.

I barely stopped myself fromgasping with him as I watched euphoria cross his features. I’dnever seen anything as erotic as the vision he made as his orgasmovertook him. It was a strange feeling having to force myself notto move, not to join him. I wanted nothing more than to be the oneth—

“What are you doing?”

Chapter Eight

I yelped as I jumped back and awayfrom Ian’s door. Praying like hell that he hadn’t just heard me, orworse seen me watching him.

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