Page 90 of Wickedly Betrayed

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“I’m still waiting on someone to come tell me how she is.”

“Oh, thank God.” Bailey says. “I thought…” She doesn’t get the chance to continue before Jaxon drags her into his arms.

“Tell me what the fuck happened,” Jaxon growls over Bailey’s head.

“Bailey, do you mind sitting with T while I speak with Jaxon? After I explain everything to him, he can tell you.”

Bailey pulls her head away from Jaxon’s chest. “Yes, of course.” She takes a seat next to T and takes his hand. “How are you holding up, Trent?”

Trent quietly answers her question with, “Okay, I guess,” and looks at me with scared eyes.

I reach over and squeeze his shoulder. “Don’t worry, son, everything’s going to be okay.

At his nod, I gesture for Jaxon to follow me. We stop just outside the double doors leading to the back where Mia is, and I turn to face him. I tell him what Trent told me about Tessa and Shady and that he felt he had no choice but to do what they said.

“Are you fucking telling me that Trent poisoned Mia because Tessa, his own fucking mother, and Shady threatened him?” Jaxon hisses, barely holding on to his control. I know how he feels. The only reason I’m not out hunting down the bastard is because Mia’s here, barely holding on to her life.

“Yes. As soon as we’re done talking, I’m calling the station to have someone bring the fucker in.”

“Not if I get to him first. I’ll kill the bastard. What the fuck does he have against Mia? And why in the hell has your ex hooked up with him?”

I ignore the comment about Jaxon killing Shady, because I know damn good and well that if I see him, I don’t know that I’ll be able to hold myself back, let alone Jaxon.

“I have no idea, but I intend to find out,” I tell him.

“How’s Trent doing?” Jaxon asks.

“To be honest, I think he’s terrified. Terrified that Tessa and Shady will hurt him or me and terrified that we’re going to blame him. He’s been acting so weird lately, and now I know why.”

“That bastard Shady and your bitch of an ex-wife are going to pay for what they’ve done to Mia and Trent. Mark my words, Mac.”

Before I get a chance to reply, the double doors open and out walks a doctor. Jaxon and I both turn to face him. Bailey and Trent come up beside us.

“Are you the family of Miss Walker?” the older doctor asks.

Jaxon and I both say “yes” at the same time.

“I’m Dr. Scott. She’s going to be just fine. We were able to get her heart rate up to speed. After running some tests, we confirmed that there was indeed cyanide in her system. We’ve pumped her stomach and given her the antidotes and some oxygen. We’ll keep her overnight to monitor her. She should be waking up soon. We’ll send someone down when she can have visitors.”

“Thank God,” Bailey murmurs, and sags against Jaxon.

“Will there be any lasting affects?” I ask the doctor.

He turns my way when he answers. “I don’t believe so. The amount found in her system was minimal. But just to be safe, I want her to go see a neurologist to rule out any potential delayed-onset problems with the brain or nervous system.”

After we thank the doctor, he leaves. We all take a seat and wait for a nurse to come get us. Jaxon pulls Bailey aside and explains what happened. I see Bailey throw her hand up to her mouth and glance at T with sympathy and sadness. When they’re done talking, Jaxon steps in front of Trent and kneels down. He grips his shoulder and pulls him in for a hug. I can’t hear what he says, but he murmurs something in his ear. T nods and pulls back. Bailey steps up next and reaches down to give T a hug as well.

A few minutes later, a nurse comes out and tells us that Mia is awake and can see visitors. She tries to tell us only two at a time, but when I pull my badge out, she relents and lets us all back.

I ask Jaxon if he minds me going in first so I can explain what happened with Trent. He nods, and I push through the door. Mia has her head facing the window when I step through the door, but turns it my way when she hears me enter. She looks a hell of a lot better than what she did when I brought her in, though there are dark rings around her eyes and her cheeks are still red.

“Hey,” she says, in a low voice.

I walk up to the bed and grab her hand to bring her wrist to my mouth. At her wrist, I murmur, “Hey. How are you feeling?”

“Not too bad. I have a slight headache and I’m tired.”

I lean down, rest my forehead against hers, and close my eyes. “I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life as when I saw you on the floor. Your whole body was convulsing, Mia. Shit!”

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