Page 7 of Wickedly Betrayed

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I give a mighty push against his hard chest until he takes a step back. The only reason I am able to is because I surprised him.

I give him my best glare, hoping he sees all the hate I have for him. “It’s too late for that, Sheriff.” I sneer the title. “You’ll neverhave me. You made sure of that when you gave Tessa your virginity instead of me.On my birthday!And you know what?” I lean in closer and whisper, “I gave mine away that night as well.”

After my spill, I turn to the side and go to sweep past him. A large hand grabs my wrist to stop me. He swings me back around and slams me against the wall, in the same spot I was before.

“What the fuck? Who?” he growls in my face. The look in his eyes should scare me, but it doesn’t.

“That’s none of your business,” I growl right back at him.

“Goddamn it! Tell me who the fuck it was!” he bellows.


“Who did you fuck, Mia? Who fucking took what was mine?” he booms.

A small sardonic smile creeps over my face. “I’m not telling you who, Mac, but I will tell you it felt sooo good.” I purr the last part. I’m also lying through my teeth. That night felt anything but good.

At my words, Mac rears back like I sucker punched him. For a minute, I feel remorse at my words and the hurt look on his face that they caused. But then I remember the pain of that night and the remorse is swept away. He deserves to feel some of the pain I felt.

“Okay, Mia. You want to play it that way, that’s fine. I deserve that. But you’re still going to listen to what I have to say,” he says in a voice so calm it’s almost scary.

I roll my eyes and brush past him. This time he lets me go. I say over my shoulder, “Whatever.”

“This isn’t over, Mia. Youwilllisten,” I hear him say.

I flip him off over my shoulder and keep walking.



Her hair…

I’M STANDING AROUND staring into the flames of one of the many fire barrels placed throughout the courthouse yard. It’s getting late and the festival is finally starting to settle down. The tents are all taken down and the supplies are put away. The only thing that’s left are a few coolers and the fire barrels, which will stay until morning.

As I stand there watching the flames, I go over in my head what Mia told me earlier. Obviously, I knew she was no longer a virgin, but I didn’t know she gave away her innocence the same night as me. The guilt I carry from that night heightens. When she gave away her virginity, I know it was to just some random guy. Someone who wouldn’t take the time to cherish her and her gift the way she deserved. I know she was hurt and rebelling against that hurt.

Fuck!The thought of another man touching her makes me want to punch the ever-lovin’ shit out of something. I clench myhands at my sides. I may not have any right to her now, but I still consider her mine. That day on the pier when she kissed me, nodded her beautiful head to my question, and looked at me with such adoration, still stands. She’s mine, but I can’t have her. Or rather, she doesn’t want me.

I glance over to my right when I hear a commotion. Fucking Shady is at it again. He’s one of the local bikers and one of the only ones in the community you have to watch your back for. Every other week he’s causing some trouble one way or another, especially when he’s drunk, which he is now.

Right now, he’s sitting on a bench with a girl, Becca, I think her name is, in his lap. A girl who obviously doesn’t want to be there, if her struggles are anything to go by. I head in their direction, ready to take care of the situation and hoping it doesn’t get out of hand. I should have known better.

“Shady, let the girl go,” I say to him calmly. No sense aggravating the beast if I can help it.

“Fuck off, Weston. This ain’t none of your business,” Shady says, leering down at the frightened Becca in his lap.

Releasing a sigh, because I know it’s about to get ugly, I take another step closer to him and the scared girl. She lifts her head and I see fear in her eyes. I clench my hands into fists to keep from knocking the shit out of Shady. Several people have gathered to witness the scene.

“I’ll tell you one more time, Shady. Let the girl go.”

My demand falls on deaf ears as he grabs Becca’s breast and squeezes. She lets off a pain-filled whimper, and that’s when I’ve had enough.

I step up to Shady, catching him off guard because his ass is drunk, and snatch the girl from his lap. I immediately hand her off to Nitra, a woman who works in Maggie’s Diner. The sudden movement causes him to teeter for a minute, before he catches his balance. When he does, he jumps to his feet and sways again. Once his eyes focus on me, he emits a low growl and launches himself atme. Prepared for the move, I sidestep him and he stumbles past me.

Gaining his footing, he turns back toward me. “You took away my entertainment for tonight, Weston. Now I’m gonna kick your ass.”

“You might want to think about that, Shady. You’re talking to the sheriff here,” I hear Nick say from beside me. I glance at him out the corner of my eye and see him casually leaning against a light post. Even though I won’t need it, I know he has my back.

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