Page 60 of Wickedly Betrayed

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There’s something he’s not telling me, and it’s starting to piss me off. I’m not mad at him. I’m mad because there’s clearly something going on, and I have no fucking clue what it is. He’s hiding something, and I need to find out what it is.

“Look at me, son,” I tell him firmly.

He pulls his eyes to me reluctantly. It’s plain to see he doesn’t want to face me.

“I need you to talk to me, T. If there’s something going on that I need to know about, you need to tell me. I can’t fix what I don’t know.”

“There’s nothing to tell, Dad. I’m just worried because Mom forgot about me.” He’s lying. I can see it in the way his eyes flicker away from mine. I’m going to let it go for now, because whatever the problem is, it obviously involves his mother. I don’t know why he won’t tell me, but I’ll get it out of him later.

“Okay, I’ll let it go for now, but you and I are going to talk later. We’re going to your mom’s to get you some clothes. You’re going to stay with me while we find out what’s going on. Maybe your mom will be at home when we get there.”

I put the truck in drive and make the ten-minute drive to Tessa’s. Her car isn’t in the driveway when we pull up. The garage door is up, and the car isn’t in there either. T pulls his house keys out of his gym bag when we walk up to the door. When we walk inside, I look around. Everything looks pretty much the same as it did the last time I was here. I know it’s futile, but I still call out Tessa’s name. As expected, there’s no answer.

I turn to T, who’s putting his bag down in the foyer closet. “Go grab your stuff. Get enough clothes for several days.”

He mumbles something unintelligible before walking off down the hallway. I follow him and walk into Tessa’s room. I already know she’s gone. And when I say gone, I mean she plans on being gone for a while. There are clothes thrown all over the bedroom. All her dresser drawers are pulled out, and it looks like she grabbed handfuls of the contents out, leaving a few pieces behind.

I walk to her closet with my hands balled into fists and see many of the hangers empty. There are a couple suitcases lined up underneath the clothes still hanging up, but there’s an empty space where another smaller suitcase should be.

I leave the closet, go to the connecting bathroom, and see a mess in there as well. She left in a hurry. I look for her makeup kit, and don’t find it. If I know anything about Tessa, it’s that she goes absolutely nowhere without her makeup. If she took that, then that means she plans on staying gone for a while.

My belief in her involvement in Mia’s tire being slashed and her almost being raped becomes stronger. She must know that the man who attacked Mia has been caught and is worried we’ll find out she was linked. She obviously has someone helping her because the guy we pulled off Mia said it was a man who paid him. I’ve never wanted to hit a woman more than I do right now. Not only because of her possible involvement with Mia but also because of what she’s putting T through.

Speaking of T, I wonder if he suspects anything and that’s why he’s being so evasive. I would think he would come to me with something like this, but there’s no telling what his mom has told him to keep him quiet.

I walk back out of Tessa’s room and close the door quietly behind me. I don’t want to tell him his mother is gone until I find out more answers.

T walks out a few minutes later with his duffle bag thrown over his shoulder. He looks much older than his ten years right now. The expression on his face and the slump to his shoulderssolidify my belief that he knows more than he’s telling me, and I’m even more determined to find out what’s going on. The stress I see on his face is more than any kid his age should have.

“Come on, kid, let’s get out of here. We’ll stop by Maggie’s on the way home for dinner.” As I hoped, at the mention of Maggie’s and the chance he’ll see Nitra, he perks up a bit.

THREE HOURS LATER, we’re at home. T is in the shower while I’m on my laptop at the kitchen table. I’m so pissed that my hands are shaking, and I want to put my hands around Tessa’s throat. After pulling a few strings and gaining access to Tessa’s bank account, I found that she withdrew two grand the day before Mia was given the Rohypnol. She also took out another five grand yesterday. This is all circumstantial, but I no longer have any doubt that it was Tessa who paid the guy to give Mia the drug and then rape her. I’m not positive, but I think she also must have slashed Mia’s tire, or got someone to do it for her. I just don’t know what the point was.

I pick up my phone and give Mia a call. She picks up on the third ring.

“Hey, Sheriff.”

The sound of her voice calling me Sheriff makes my cock twitch in my jeans. I want to hear her moan again.

“Hey, Pix, can you come over tonight? I have some information.” I’d prefer to tell her face-to-face that I think my ex-wife is the person who tried to have her raped. It’s not something anyone would want to hear over the phone.

It takes her a minute to respond to my question. I hear noises in the background, and I know she’s at Jaxon’s. I didn’t even think that she could be at work. My only concern was letting her know about what I found out so she would keep her guard up.

“Yeah, but it won’t be until late. I don’t get off until midnight. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine. It won’t take long for me to tell you what I need to. I have T here, so call me when you get close and I’ll wait for you on the porch.”

“Okay.” She pauses before she adds, “Is everything alright?”

Not wanting to get into it over the phone, I tell her I’m fine and that we’ll talk about it later when she’s here. I can tell she doesn’t believe me, but doesn’t push.

“I’ll see you in a few hours, Pix. Be safe and make sure someone walks you to your car when you leave.”

I need to give her a little bit of a warning so she knows to watch her back.

“I will, but you’re really starting to worry me. Is it something I need to know about right now?”

I can hear the uncertainty in her voice, and I try to lessen it by telling her, “Nothing you need to worry about right now. I just want to be cautious.”

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