Page 37 of Wickedly Betrayed

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“You don’t want to test me right now,” I say, taking a couple steps closer. “I’m really trying to control myself, but your sassy fucking mouth and delicious body are making it damn near impossible,” I growl the last. My patience is wearing thin.

She huffs out a breath and turns around. I groan as I watch her ass sashay away to her room. I adjust my hard cock in my too-confining jeans. Her tiny pixie body is going to cause me to lose my damn mind, especially now that she’s talking to me. My body has always reacted to her, but now that the animosity between us is gone, my body has taken it upon itself to completely unleash its desires toward her. I’ve always enjoyed riling her up because it caused her to show some form of emotion, but the sweet and funny Mia is going to undo me. Even so, it’s a side I’ve missed.

I decide to wait out on the porch and try to rid myself of the image of Mia laid out on my bed while I feast on her beautiful, colorful body. I take a seat on one of the chairs and drag my hands through my hair.Fuck!She’s going to drive me insane. It was easier before when she regarded me as a cheating bastard. Now that she doesn’t look at me as if I’m the scum of the earth, it’s easier to get sucked back in.

I hear the door open behind me and I get up. I almost groan again when I see what she’s wearing. Yes, it hides more than what she was wearing before, but I still want to strip her bare and fuck her until she’s screaming my name. She’s switched her camisole for a dark purple tank top and her boy shorts for a pair of black capris that hug her tight ass. The flip-flops she’s wearing show off her black-painted toenails, toe ring, and ankle bracelet.

I curse under my breath and shake my head. I swear she’s doing it on purpose.

“Now what’s your problem?” she asks, exasperated.

“You really know how to make it hard on a guy, don’t you?” I ask her as we walk down the steps. Our fingers brush, and I’m tempted to grab her hand and hold on to it.

“Seriously, Sheriff? What the hell? I’m not wearing anything I haven’t before.”

I stop and face her, putting the car and T at my back. I take her hand and discreetly place it on my hard dick and lower my voice when I say, “That’s very true, Pix, but now that I’ve tasted you after so many years, now that I’ve had my fingers in you again, and reacquainted my mouth with your tits and mouth, it’s hard to think about anything else when I’m around you.”

Her breath whooshes out, and her dark blue eyes flare and turn even darker. She licks her full bottom lip, and I barely stop myself from closing the distance between us and taking that lip with my teeth. She runs the pad of her thumb along my cock and gives it a squeeze. I have to close my eyes and take a deep breath or I swear I’m going to throw her over my shoulder and march right back in the damn house and take her against the fucking door.

She pulls her hand away, but takes a step closer. Her voice is low when she says, “You can always think about Mrs. Cranny and her grabby hands. That should soften you up a bit.”

And that right there does it. An image of the crafty old lady in her floral nightdress turns me as soft as fucking cotton. Mia quirks up her lips and turns around to get in her car. She moves around to the driver’s side, but I make it there before her. She reaches for the keys, but I don’t give them to her.

“I’m driving,” I tell her.

She doesn’t lower her hand. “It’s my car.”

“Yes, it is, but I’m still driving,” I tell her again, not backing down.

“Is this some type of alpha male ‘me man, you lowly woman’ thing? Because I’m telling you, Sheriff, there are ways to bring a man down to his knees and he won’t be the alpha anymore.”

I cup my balls just in case she is seriously thinking about unmanning me and consider my words before I reply. Yes, it probably is some alpha male thing, but it’s not because I think Mia is less than me. In fact, I consider Mia above anyone else, well, save Trent.

“Pix, it’s not that I don’t like you driving or that I think you’re below me. Call it macho-man tendencies or whatever, but I just like to be in the driver’s seat when a female is in the car. I like having control over the car. Like I can protect you from the idiots on the road.”

Her eyes soften, as if she gets what I’m saying. It has nothing to do with not trusting her. It’s a protective instinct that a lot of men carry. It’s ingrained in us.

“Alright, Mac, I understand.”

She drops her hand and walks around to the other side of the car. T has already gotten into the backseat and is sitting quietly, once again playing his game. I start the car and Mia looks back at T.

“Hey, Trent,” she says.

He briefly glances up from his game and mutters, “Hey.”

“What are you playing?” Mia asks, not deterred by his lack of interest in her. That’s one thing I love about Mia. When she wants something, she doesn’t let anything get in her way of getting it. Right now, she wants to talk to T whether he wants to talk or not. I think that’s what T needs. He needs to see that Mia is truly interested in him. He needs to see that she isn’t here because she has ulterior motives.

“Minecraft” is his one word reply.

“Oh, I’ve played that one before.”

I watch in the rearview mirror as T jerks his head up. “You have?”

“Yep, sure have. Andrew and I play sometimes. Have you been to the End Portal yet?”

“No, I’ve found the portal but I don’t have enough Ender Pearls yet.” His words are gibberish to me, but I’m enjoying hearing him open up to Mia a little. She’s found common ground between the two of them, something they can relate to.

“Maybe we can play together sometime, and I can help you find more.” She looks up at me and smiles. I can tell by her smile that she’s happy T is starting to open up a little.

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