Page 33 of Wickedly Betrayed

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Shady starts stalking toward me with an unnatural glint in hiseye. “I’m just out for a leisurely stroll. What’s your excuse? You must know it’s not safe for little girls to be out this late at night.”

I start walking backwards the closer he gets to me. I don’t want him anywhere near me. Not paying attention, my dumb ass walks into a hard surface behind me. Shady doesn’t stop until he’s right in front of me.

“Back up, Shady,” I tell him firmly. I may sound brave on the outside, but I’m quaking in my damn combat boots. No way will I show him I’m scared shitless, but that’s exactly what I am: scared out of my mind. Shady is a huge man, and I know if he wanted to hurt me he would have no problem at all. I may be able to hold my own in many situations, but I’m no fool to think I can take on a guy like Shady.

I smell body odor and stale whiskey on his breath when he leans in toward me. I have to force myself not to gag. He really stinks. Shady is a heavy drinker, but I can tell he’s sober right now. That may be the only thing that saves me.

I put my hands on his chest to push him back, but he doesn’t budge. “Shady, I mean it. You need to back off.”

Instead of backing up, he leans in farther and puts his arms on the wall behind me on either side of my head. His mouth is at my ear when he speaks again.

“I can still smell you, Mia. I can still see you laid out before me in the back of my truck. I can still see the blood on my fingers after I shoved them in you. Do you remember?”

Well, shit. I guess he does remember. I had hoped that he was so drunk that he wouldn’t. His words send a repulsive shiver down my spine.

“I prefer not to remember. Now back the hell off.” I shove him again, and again he goes nowhere. I’m really starting to get worried. I’m out here all alone with him. Not a soul in sight. I know what Shady’s capable of, and I definitely don’t need a repeat performance.

I’m just getting ready to knee his balls up into his throat when a flashlight shines on us. Shady immediately takes astep back. I can’t see the holder because the glare is blinding me, but I’m glad nonetheless.

“What’s going on here?” Mac’s voice sounds from behind the bright light. I sag back against the wall in relief.

“Mia, you okay?” Mac asks as he walks toward us. He’s pissed. I can tell from the rigid line of his jaw.

I give him a shaky smile before I reply, “Yes.”

He swings the flashlight in Shady’s direction. “What are you doing out this late, Shady?”

“What are you, my momma? It ain’t against the law to be walking the streets, is it?”

“It is when you’re causing problems.”

“I haven’t done anything. I was just leaving Dax’s house when I saw Mia here. Me and her were just reminiscing, weren’t we, little girl?” The ravenous look he sends my way makes me want to smack it from his face. I still can’t believe I let him touch me all those years ago.

“No, we weren’t, Shady. You were being a dick,” I tell him. I feel the tension coming from Mac, who is now standing beside me.

“If you so say, babe.”

The endearment brings bile to my throat.

“Alright, it’s time for you to go home, Shady,” Mac practically growls. “Don’t stop until you get there.”

Shady smiles at me with his nasty yellow teeth. “Will do, Weston. See ya around, Mia.” With that, he turns around and moves down the street toward a bike sitting on the side of the road.

Once his bike is out of sight, Mac turns back to me with narrowed eyes.

I point my finger in his face. “Don’t you fucking start with me, Sheriff.”

“What the fuck, Pix? What in the hell are you thinking? Yes, we have a pretty safe community, but when assholes like Shady are lurking, you know it’s not safe to be out this late at night alone.”

“Yeah, well, I have a flat tire and thought I’dwalk home since I don’t live far from here. How was I to know Shady would be out here?”

“And you couldn’t ask Hoot to give you a ride?”

“Yes, I could have, but I didn’t. He was going to be there for a while longer, and I didn’t want to wait. I’m dead on my feet and just want to go home.”

Mac drops his head and runs his fingers through his thick brown hair. I don’t see how he hasn’t pulled it out yet with how many times I’ve seen him do that lately. I see him shake his head and mutter something that sounds like, “Stupid women.”

“Excuse me?” I ask him. Now my temper is starting to flare. I understand his worry. I really do get it, but he has no right to act all high and mighty. It’s not like he hasn’t made any mistakes in his life. I almost laugh at that.

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