Page 22 of Wickedly Betrayed

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All three of us girls look at Andrew and then at each other with our eyebrows raised. This could get very interesting. As long as I’ve known Andrew, I’ve never known him to get possessive of someone. Well, except for Jaxon, but that was a lost cause from the beginning, and he knew it. He was possessive of him for the simple fact that he wanted him to be happy, and felt not many women were good enough for him, until Bailey. It was all very sweet.

Curious at his behavior, I reach over and snatch the picture from him while he’s distracted. Of course, he immediately tries to get it back. I get up from the floor and move to the other side of the couch, yelling, “Hold himdown, girls!”

Both girls launch their bodies over Andrew, but it does nothing to stop him. He easily, but gently, throws them off, being careful to not go anywhere near Amari, who is still lying on the floor.

I stuff the picture down my shirt and into my bra before turning to face Andrew. He takes a step toward me.

“Give it back,” he says calmly.

“Why do you want it so badly?” I ask him, really wanting to know the answer and why he’s acting this way.

“Because it’s mine,” is his simple response.

“Actually, it’s mine,” Chris says, with a smug grin.

Not moving his eyes away from me for fear of me bolting with his precious picture, he answers Chris, “Not anymore. I’m sure you have plenty more.” He points to my chest where I stuffed it. “That one is mine.”

She laughs before saying, “Well, I’m pretty sure I no longer want it now anyways. Nothing personal, Mia, but I’m not sure I want something that’s been in your bra.”

I shrug, not offended in the least. I eye Andrew for a minute before I take a side step. He watches me like a hawk and matches my movement. He and the couch are between me and the hallway, and I know there’s no way I can make it to my bedroom where I can lock the door.

“Don’t think I won’t reach in there and grab it,” he says.

I never doubted it for a minute.

Just as I make my move, he jumps on the couch and reaches over and snags my waist, pulling me over it with him. I maneuver so I’m on the bottom on my stomach, so he has a hard time reaching in my shirt. He’s on top and wastes no time in reaching between me and the couch and into my shirt. His fingers graze my nipple and damn if I can’t help the shiver that wracks my body at the touch. Hey, I’m a girl with a hot guy lying on her with his hand in her shirt. What do you expect?

He pulls the photo out of my shirt, and goes to stand up. I grab both arms to keep him in place. I hear both Chris and Karyn laughing at us.

“Damn it, Andrew, I just want to see it,” I growl at him.

He stills. I feel him kiss the back of my neck. “Okay babe, because I love you so much, I’ll let you have a peek.”

“Oh, thanks for being so generous,” I say dryly.

Staying where he is on top of me, he puts the picture right in front of our faces.Oh, wow!I now understand why he seems so obsessed. The man is sex personified.

The guy in the picture isn’t directly facing the camera. Instead, it looks like he’s looking at someone off to the side. His long hair is a dark blond and it’s messily pulled into a low ponytail, with pieces of it hanging out of the hair tie. It looks like it might reach just past his shoulders. I can’t really tell his eye color because of how his head is turned, but they look like a light color. His hands are shoved into the pockets of dark gray cargo pants. His white muscle shirt showcases tanned muscular arms riddled with tattoos. To top off the walking orgasm in the picture is the sexy smirk he has on his face.

“Fucking gorgeous isn’t he?” Andrew whispers in my ear.

I look at him over my shoulder and see him staring at the picture again with an expression I’ve never seen on his face before.

Oh yeah, this is going to be very interesting indeed.

A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, I carry Amari in her car seat into Maggie’s Diner. It’s after the lunch crowd so it isn’t too busy. I set the seat on top of a table and am lowering myself into the booth when my Gram comes rushing up to us, carrying a half-empty pot of coffee and a mug.

“Oh, let me see my great-grandbaby!” she says, as she puts the pot and mug down and starts unbuckling Amari from her seat.

“Hi, Gram,” I say, smiling at her while she rocks a sleeping Amari.

She looks over at me with her own smile and pats me on the cheek.

“Hey, sweetie. Give me a kiss.” She turns her head and I bend down to kiss her soft cheek.

“How’s your back been treating you?” I ask, while I move the car seat to the next table over and take a seat in the booth. A minute later, Gram sits as well.

“Oh, it’s the same as usual.”

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