Page 104 of Wickedly Betrayed

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“He’ll be okay, Mia. The drugs just need to wear off,” he says quietly against my hair. “I assume he was given Rohypnol again?”

I try to pull myself together, but it’s so hard when the man I love with every fiber of my being is lying against the wall, passed out from drugs.

“I think so, but I’m worried they gave him too much. I also think they gave him something to… make him… stay hard.” I can barely get the words out without ripping from Jaxon’s arms and going after Tessa again.

“Fuck,” Jaxon hisses and tightens his arms around me, as if he knows my internal struggle. I can also feel the anger radiating off him. His body is stiff, but there’s a slight tremor as well.

Off in the distance, the sound of sirens reaches us. I break awayfrom Jaxon and move back to Mac’s side. I lean my shoulder against the wall beside him and get as close as I can. Leaning my head down on his shoulder and resting one of my hands on his stomach, feeling the up-and-down motion of him breathing, we all wait for the cops and ambulance to show up.



Her loyalty…

IWAKE TO THE FEELING of drums going off in my head. It literally feels like there’s a kid in there with his brand new drum set pounding away on the sides of my skull. There’s not an ounce of moisture in my mouth, and my stomach feels like someone is doing somersaults in there. However, the warmth I feel at my side and the smell assaulting my nose makes me one of the luckiest bastards in the world.

I crack open my eyes, and just as I knew she would be, Mia is curled up beside me on the hospital bed. Her forehead is flush against my upper arm. She has one arm and one leg thrown over the top of mine. Her breathing is even against my arm, and I know she’s sleeping.

My shoulder hurts like shit, but I gently reach with my free arm, so as not to wake her, and notice my wrist wrapped in a bandage. There’s a slight twinge of pain under the bandage, but I ignore it as I run my fingers through her black-and-red hair. It’ssoft and silky, and I could run my fingers through it all day. She breathes out a sigh and wiggles her little nose. I’ve always thought of Mia as my little pixie with her small frame and features. With her spiky haircut, she solidified my vision.

Mia starts to shift beside me, and I watch as her eyes flutter open. She lifts her head and it takes her a minute to realize that I’m looking back at her. I’m a little leery of her reception of me. After all, the last time I was awake, a naked Tessa was on my lap as Shady violated Mia. Obviously, she would be worried about me, but concern for my well-being and wanting to continue our relationship after seeing something like that are two different things. I know she won’t hold it against me, but it would be hard for anyone to get over something like that.

“Mac,” she breathes.

I lift up onto an elbow so I’m looming over her and trail my finger down her face. She watches me with eyes raw with pain. I don’t know if that’s pain for me, pain on her part, or if it’s pain from the situation we were in earlier. Either way, I don’t like the look. It’s a look that should never cross her face.

“How are you doing?” I ask her, because I need to know that she’s okay. I need to know that we’re okay.

“Why are you asking me that?” She takes the hand I was using to trace her face and places it over her heart. I feel the rapid beat inside. “I should be asking you that. It was you who had your heart ripped out and stomped on.”

Fuzzy memories of what Shady and Tessa told us come rushing in, and I feel the pain start to seep in. I close my eyes and lean my forehead against Mia’s as I remember Shady telling me T isn’t my son. The bittersweet memory of Tessa telling me we never had sex is something I’m not sure how I feel about. Of course, I’m relieved to know Tessa never had her shit wrapped around my dick, but because of that there is proof T isn’t mine.

It doesn’t matter though. I don’t care that T doesn’t share my blood—well I guess technically he does because he’s Shady’s son and Shady is my brother, but I don’t care. No matter what, T willalways be mine. Fuck Shady, he can’t have him. I’ll fight to my dying breath to ensure that Shady has nothing to do with him. And I know damn good and well that Shady will fight for him, even though he admitted himself that he doesn’t want him. No, he’ll fight me just for the simple fact that I love T.

But then again, Shady should be spending a lot of fucking time in jail for everything he and Tessa have done. If he’s alive that is. One of my last memories is of Shady lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. I personally hope the fucker bled to death and was in a lot of pain while he did. However, I’m pissed I never got the chance to get my hands on him myself.

I open my eyes and look down at Mia. She’s watching me with heartache and distress plastered all over her face.

“I’ll be fine. Yes, it hurts, but I’ll get through it. We’ll get through it. I don’t give a shit what Shady and Tessa said. That boy will always be mine.” I cup the side of her face and lean down to put my lips on hers for a gentle kiss.

“Now, what I need to know is if you’re okay? What that sick fuck was doing to you—” Mia stops me by placing her finger over my mouth. I have no doubt that my eyes are flaring with hatred. Remembering what he did to Mia causes my body to go rigid on top of hers and my hands to ball into fists. Fists I so desperately want to use to rip Shady to shreds.

“I’m fine, too, Sheriff. Jaxon and Nick got to us before he could really hurt me.”

I roll to my side and crush Mia into my arms. The enormity of how much worse it could have been runs through my mind. Never in my life have I felt so helpless, felt less than a man. There was nothing I could do to stop Shady from hurting her and the guilt from that weighs heavily on me.

“I’m so sorry, Pix.” I tell her. “I’m so damn sorry I couldn’t stop him. I’m sorry that you had to see Tessa do that shit to me.”

Mia rears back from me, horror and anger mixed, replacing the pain on her face from earlier.

“That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard, MackaiWeston!” She hisses at me and brings her face closer to mine. “Don’t you dare feel sorry for any of this. You tore a fucking muscle and tendon in both your arms and damn near pulled both arms out of their sockets trying to get to me. Have you seen your wrists? They were rubbed so raw that the bone was showing, Mac. Shady and Tessa used triple what a normal dose of Rohypnol was.” Tears start falling from her eyes, dripping down onto my chest. I can’t stand to see her like this so I pull her into my arms, burying her face against my neck. “I can’t… you can’t… oh God, Mac, I was so scared, but there was nothing either of us could do.”

I hold her as she cries against my neck, soaking my hospital gown.Fuck, I hate hospitals. I know what she says is true but I still can’t help but feel like I failed her somehow. There should have been something I could have done. Something more I could have done to catch Shady before that night.

I look over at the door when it opens to see Jaxon and Nick walk in. Mia pulls back from me, quickly wiping her eyes. When she goes to get up off the bed, I pull her back down, wincing from the pain in my shoulder. She sends me a worried look and settles back down. I reach for the cup of water on the little tray beside us, but she gets to it before me and hands it over. I take a sip and hand it back to her.

“How are the arms?” Jaxon asks, as he steps up to the bed.

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