Page 55 of Wickedly Tainted

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I picked up speed asI rounded the darkened cabin. The dog’s barking got louder thecloser I came to the side entrance of the house. I slowed as I sawBoone.

Confusion set in asI slowed to a walk. He was looking at the side door, barking hishead off. My heart rate ticked up as I slowly approached. Boone sawme but continued to bark at the door. I saw a flash of white on thedoor before Damon grabbed my waist.

“You didn’t try tohide very well,” he murmured as he pressed his lips to my neck.

I pushed out of hisembrace as I continued to walk toward Boone. Damon picked up on myinvestigation and quickly grabbed me, pulling me back. He lookedbetween me and the door before speaking.

“Stay here, Jill.”Gone was the playful lover and in his place was a colddetective.

I watched as he slidhis firearm out of its holster, palming it with both hands at theready. His steps were silent as he signaled something to Boone thathad him ceasing his barks. Damon stepped closer to the door andthen stopped suddenly at what he saw, lowering his gun.

Dread coursedthrough me as I stepped closer, and then closer still. I had to seewhat I already knew was there. My steps quickened as I approached.Damon turned in time to see me and quickly holstered his gun beforegrabbing for me.

“Jill, don’t,” hetried but it was too late.

My blood ran coldand my breath hitched as I stared at the corpse stabbed to hisdoor. I cried out as I stumbled forward. Her normally long whitefur was matted with dark blood. The life that normally filled hersmall body, snuffed out. I couldn’t find Fiona for the last weekbecause she was here. Dead.

“No!” I cried arounda harsh breath.

Damon grabbed me andpulled me against him, pushing my head to his chest as I sobbed. Hetried to soothe me with his firm strokes and soft words but nothingcould calm the storm brewing inside of me.

I pushed away fromhim so I could step closer to Fiona.

“Jill, stop. Youdon’t need to see this.” He grabbed for me again but I shook offhis touch.

“Yes, I do,” I criedbefore reaching the door.

My poor girl musthave been so scared. To most other people she may just be a cat,but to me, she was my friend. Sometimes she was the only livingthing I shared my thoughts with. And now she was gone.

Tears clogged myvision and my hands shook as I touched her cold body. She had beenhere for a while, her blood long dried. I looked up to see what washolding her little body to the door and my breath caught in mythroat at what I saw. I backed up and felt my chest squeeze.

“Jill,” Damon’sworried voice cut through the panic as he rushed for me.

My lips started totingle as my breathing intensified. He gripped me tightly as hetook in my shocked gaze.

“It’s him.” Mywhispered voice was barely audible as I stared at the long bladethat held Fiona. Tunnel vision kicked in to where all I could seewas that damn knife.The plain black handle was so dark itseemed to be void of all color, as if the light was afraid to touchit. It was the same blade that haunted me last night. Myfingers felt numb as I gripped Damon’s shirt as if my life dependedon it.

“Jill, you need tobreathe.” Damon gripped my face between his hands to get me to lookat him. I gasped as my vision started to fade around the edges.Panic clogged my throat making it impossible to get a fullbreath.

“Jill, breathe!”Damon’s loud voice sounded like he was shouting at me through atunnel as I stared at the knife jutting out through the door.

“Jason,” was all Imanaged before everything went black.


“I want to knoweverything about the fucker. Where he’s been staying, who he talksto, when his next court date is, everything. Do you understand me?”Damon’s harsh tone cut through the darkness that clouded mybrain.

“I understand whatyou’re saying, Santos, but it ain’t that easy. When Henderson gotout of prison, he completed his parole like an upstanding citizen.He’s had a clean record ever since. When it looks like the sexualoffenders have been rehabbed into normal society successfully, theytend to fall through the cracks. It might be hard to find him,”said a voice I didn’t recognize.

They were talkingabout Jason. I kept my eyes closed, needing to hear the rest.

“I don’t give a shitwhat you have to do, Cruz.” Damon’s voice dipped dangerously low ashe spoke. “Find him.” His tone held a silent threat in those twowords.Find him, so I can kill him.

The two men left theroom as they were still talking. Their voices became fainter witheach passing second. I wondered briefly if it was safe to open myeyes yet. I wasn’t ready to talk to Damon about the events of thenight. It was extremely embarrassing to pass out every time I had apanic attack. I didn’t feel like talking about it.

“They’re gone now,you can open your eyes.” Kate’s soft voice surprised me and my eyessprung open. My bestie sat on the chair next to where I lay in myliving room. Damon must have taken me back home after findingFiona. He probably assumed this place was safer than his rightnow.

I sat up, lettingthe blanket that covered my body fall to my waist. I noticed Booneperk up and look at me from his place on the floor. He thumped histail happily before nosing my hand for pats. I stroked the dog’sfur as I looked at Kate.

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