Page 49 of Wickedly Tainted

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I looked up at thevision Damon made as he slept soundly. I leaned forward enough tokiss his lips softly before I pulled the blankets back and easedout of the bed. I padded silently to my closet where I put on apair of leggings and a sports bra before exiting back into thebedroom. I walked back to the bed where my Latino lay, and kissedhis forehead before turning to go.

I was halfway to thedoor when I turned back, feeling the hairs on the back of my neckstand at attention. I had to be sure.

I came to my side ofthe bed and got on my knees. Taking a deep breath, I lowered to thefloor and looked underneath. Nothing.

I released my breathin a rush and shook my head at myself. “It was just a dream,Brookes,” I muttered to myself as I stood. With one last look atthe man slumbering in my bed, I walked out the door.

Looking back, Iwished I would have been more thorough in my search for somethingaskew. I wished I would have listened to my instincts and askedDamon to take me to his home and never return here. Because as I’dlaid on that floor looking for a person under the bed, I’d been tooshortsighted. I hadn’t seen the drop of blood on the floor next tome.


I grunted as Isquatted my last rep of the morning. My legs trembled with theeffort it took to lift the weight on my shoulders. I released mybreath as I straightened my legs and placed the barbell back on therack.

Stepping out fromunder the bar, I grabbed my towel and dried my face off. I had beenin my home gym for the past hour and a half trying to burn off thefeeling of dread that followed me around since my night terror. Iwasn’t having much luck.

I figured I would beexhausted enough to shut my brain off after my run on thetreadmill, but that proved not to be the case. I had finished myrun just to jump into the next exercise and then the next and soon. No matter how much my muscles protested, I couldn’t shake mydream. Everything about it seemed so real. The fact that Jason evenlooked like he had aged didn’t sit with me well. It was as if mybrain had made up a new version of him just to correlate with thenumber of years it had been since my assault. It was unsettling, tosay the least.

I gulped my waterbefore I leaned against the barbell rack. Placing my foreheadagainst the cool metal did nothing to cool the boiling emotionsrolling inside of me.

When was thisgoing to stop?The constant nightmares of things I couldn’tchange. I thought after the first night with Damon I had found thecure to my sleeplessness. He had successfully calmed me enough tosleep all night for the first time in months. But as the nightswent on, the dreams slowly resurfaced. I had to wonder why theyseemed to be getting worse. Maybe it was my body’s way of tellingme I had unfinished business.

But how did youfinish business with somebody who had already paid for their crimesagainst you? Wouldn’t the fact that he had already been to prisonmean justice had been served?

I pushed away fromthe rack with a huff and headed to the free-weight stand. Pickingup the twenty-pound hand weights, I bent at the waist and startedmy kickbacks when I heard a deep voice come from the doorway.

“You better savesome of that energy for class tonight,” Damon teased as he leanedagainst the doorframe.

I hid my grin fromhim as I placed the weights back on the rack. I looked back at himand felt a rush of arousal course through me. He stood in nothingbut a pair of tight boxer briefs. His big torso was on full displayas he gripped the top of the doorway. I squeezed my thighs togetherwhen I focused on his growing erection. It looked like he wasenjoying the show I hadn’t known I was performing

“Is that so?” Iquestioned as I strode over to him. I watched as his gaze raked mybody appreciatively, his eyes darkening with each second.

When I stood infront of him I pushed up to my tiptoes and teased his lips withmine before pulling back. He stepped forward to grab me, pulling meagainst his hard body.

“That is so,” hemurmured while looking at my lips. I licked them slowly and reveledin the way my confidence spiked as his eyes flared. “I’m yourpartner again tonight, Red. I have some moves I’d like to go overwith you.”

I smiled up at himwith a challenging gleam in my eyes. “Jo will be devastated thatyou’re taking her partner away,” I teased

Joanna was one ofthe other women in my class for beginners. She and I had found aneasy friendship after I had returned to class last week. Sheaccosted me in the locker room with an exaggerated high five thatstill made me smile. She’d told me she wanted to partner up withthe badass that took out Vince. Apparently, I wasn’t the only womanhe had tried his overpowering maneuver on.

I pulled out of hisarms and walked past him, toward my bathroom. I glanced back as Iremoved my sports bra, tossing it to the ground as I keptwalking.

“Why don’t you showme some of your moves now, Detective Santos?” I threw over myshoulder as I made my way to the shower.

I had fully strippedout of my clothes as I walked to my room, leaving them where theylay. By the time Damon made it to the bathroom I was already underthe hot spray. I watched with anticipation as he shoved his boxerbriefs down from his hips and his erection sprang free from itsconstraint. He stood outside the shower door watching me. His cockwas so hard it almost looked painful.

“Come in here andI’ll help you with that,” I offered while shamelessly staring athim.

He chuckled beforehe grabbed himself. I squeezed my thighs together to soothe theache that was building. I watched with hot eyes as he strokedhimself from tip to base with a firm grip.

“I want to watch youfor a bit.” His breathy reply turned me on further. “Wash yourself,Red,” he ordered as he stepped into the big shower. Never takinghis hand from his heavy cock.

I grinned at him asI grabbed my favorite body wash. I squeezed a liberal amount of thesweet cucumber-smelling soap onto my loofa and lathered it with myhands. I watched him slide his fist up and down his shaft as Iwashed myself.

Starting at my neck,I made my way down my arms with the soapy sponge. Coming back up tomy shoulders slowly before dragging the rough material over myheavy breasts. I washed over the tightened peaks, slowing to rollmy fingers over them. I watched Damon’s fist tighten as I traveledfurther down my body. When I reached the apex of my thighs, Idropped the loofa in favor of using my fingers.

I leaned against theshower wall as I dragged my soapy fingers through my labia, over myengorged clit, and into my aching channel. I moaned and threw myhead back as I let my other hand pinch and roll my nipple.

“I touched myself,just like this, to the fantasy of you in this shower,” I admittedas I swirled my fingers around my clitoris.

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