Page 45 of Wickedly Tainted

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The phone rang, andrang, and rang. Just when I was about to concede to her notanswering, her groggy voice finally came over the speaker.

“Jill? Do you knowwhat time it is?” she asked around a yawn.

“Where did Lyns sayshe was going tonight?” I questioned quickly. Panic dripped from myvoice.

“What? What’s goingon?” Kate seemed a little more awake now.

“Lindsey tried tocall me and I think she’s in trouble,” I blurted.

“What!” Kate shoutedin my ear. “What did she say?” she asked in a rush.

“I’ll explain later,just tell me where the party is,” I beseeched her.

There was a pause onthe line and I almost thought I’d lost the call until Kate’s voicecame back over the speaker.

“Six-thousand-nineNorth University Drive. I’ll meet you there.” Then the line wentdead.

I knew when Damonheard the address as the car lurched forward, speeding fasterthrough traffic. He gripped the steering wheel with white-knuckleforce as he steered with focused precision.

“You know thataddress, don’t you?” I asked and immediately knew the answer by theway his jaw clenched. “Tell me what you know,” I gritted betweenclenched teeth.

“The boys at thestation have had to make multiple visits to that location. Illegaldrugs, minors drinking excessively…” He glanced at me as if hedidn’t want to say the next thing on the list of violations. “Therewas a sexual assault charge on one of the members but he wasacquitted. His daddy’s a higher-up lawyer and knew the judgepersonally,” he fumed.

I paled as Ipictured all the bad shit that could be happening to Lindsey. Wouldwe get there in time or would we have to pick up the pieces of myniece that someone destroyed? I shuddered as I thought of thepossible outcomes.

I looked out at thetraffic. “Can’t this thing go any faster?” I felt like I was goingto be sick. I swallowed hard to keep my nausea at bay. I slappedthe dash as a sudden burst of rage overwhelmed me. “Shit! Shit!Shit!” I yelled.

This couldn’t behappening. Not to my Lindsey. I couldn’t change my own past but Iwould be damned if I let her fate become the same as mine. “Drivefaster, damnit!” I screamed.

Damon squeezed mythigh again. “We’re almost there, Jill. I need you to calmyourself. I know you’re worried but panicking isn’t going to helpLindsey. Take a deep breath with me,” he said softly.

I stared forward,trying to ignore the man who was making too much sense right now. Iknew I needed to calm down but I was too far gone at thispoint.

“Jill,” he triedagain and I shook my head.

“Jill, look at me.”His deep voice boomed through the car, demanding I take heed.

I snapped my head inhis direction and scowled at him.

“Breathe with me,”he bit out before he took a deep breath, looking between me and theroad as we turned onto a side street.

His big chest movedin and out slowly and I found myself following his example. But itwasn’t enough to quell the panic that had already dug its clawsin.

I glanced back outthe window as Damon slowed the car. I could see the house coming upon the right. It was absolutely packed to the brim with collegestudents. People holding plastic red cups littered the front yardand gathered on the porch. I braced myself as memories swampedme

I bit the inside ofmy cheek hard enough that I tasted metal. I would not get suckedinto my own trauma right now. Lindsey needed me.

Damon slowed to ahalt but before he could fully stop I opened the door and sprintedfor the house.

“Jill!” Damon yelledat me but I ignored him as I ran.

I’m sure I lookedlike a madwoman as I came crashing in the door. Strangers stared atme in shock as I searched faces looking for Lyns. The music thumpedheavily through me the deeper I explored the house. I pushed my waythrough sweaty bodies as they crowded around, dancing andlaughing.

We were so packedtogether I was having a hard time staying in the now. I swear Ifelt breath against my neck and clammy hands grip me as I shoved myway through the crowd.

“Lindsey!” I triedto shout above the noise.

My heart was beatingout of my chest and my breath was leaving me in labored puffs. Ifelt my hands start to shake as the panic attack started to takehold.

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