Page 43 of Wickedly Tainted

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“Jill,stop!”Damon shouted from above me.

I blinked up at him,not realizing he had stood over my body and was trying to bring meout of my memory. He looked down at me with such pain in hiseyes.

“Stop, I don’t wantto know anymore,” he begged. “I can’t hear anymore.” He shook withrage as he stared at me.

“What did I do todeserve it?” I asked in a small voice as I trembled.

He clutched me tohis chest and rolled us back over so I was on top of him again. Hesmoothed down my hair before he brought his lips to mine in atender kiss.

“Nothing, Red. Youdid nothing wrong. It was his choice. It wouldn’t matter if you hadshown up to that party completely naked or drank entirely too much.He was the one that made the conscious decision to violate you.None of that was your fault,” he assured.

He looked at me withsuch tenderness. “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” he spokesoftly against my lips. “I wish I could go back and make sure itnever happened in the first place. I can promise you, I will meetthat fucker in a dark alley one of these days.” He had a dark gleamin his eyes.

I knew he wascompletely serious at that moment. If there was anything I learnedabout Damon in the short time I’d known him, it was that he wouldgo to war for the people heloved. He would go to battle forme.

The thought of Damonloving me shouldn’t scare me as it did. I knew when he showed up atmy house today that he felt that way. You don’t fight that hard forthe woman that left you unless you love her. I hoped one day Iwould be able to let myself feel the same way, even though I knewdeep down I already did.

I embraced himbefore I settled my head onto his chest once again. He rubbed myback in firm strokes, bringing warmth back to me. I took deepbreaths as I released the rest of my memory.

I laughed despitemyself. “You know, I may be fucked up now but I used to be much,much worse.” I couldn’t stop myself from sharing now. “I used toloathe myself even more than I do now, honestly. I didn’t care whoused my body or what I put into it after Jason.” I lifted my arm toshow him what I’d done all those years ago. “This is from myattempt at getting out.” I swallowed heavily.

He grasped me belowmy elbow and ran his thumb across the faint white scar that marredmy otherwise smooth skin. I sucked in a sharp breath as he broughtmy arm to his lips and kissed it. He kissed from my wrist to myelbow as he rolled me over onto my back again. He made a place forhimself between my legs as he lowered his body onto mine.

His gaze seared meas he looked into my eyes as if searching for the words he neededto say. I bit my lip as he lowered himself and kissed me on my nosebefore speaking.

“I will forever begrateful that you didn’t succeed,” he murmured.

I flashed him a sadsmile. “Well, you can thank Kate for that.”

“Remind me to sendthat woman flowers,” he returned my smile. “If it wasn’t for her, Iwouldn’t get to be with the most … beautiful … brilliant …smart-ass woman I know.” He kissed me on my cheeks and nose betweeneach word, causing me to chuckle.

I sighed againsthim, easily moving away from the darkness that lurked in the backof my mind. As he grinned down at me, I remembered something.

“Like I said, Idon’t do relationships.” I paused as I watched his grin waver.“But, if we’re going down this path, you need to remember I haveneighbors. Unlike you.” I frowned his way.

His grin widened andmy chest felt like it was about to swell so much it would rip inhalf. I would do almost anything to see that look on his face.

His eyes sparkledbefore he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I shivered ashis words rumbled across my ticklish flesh. “Don’t worry,Roja,” he mumbled against me and I bit my lip to stop thegiggle that arose. “They won’t be your neighbors for long,” hefinished his thought.

I was too busysoaking in his affections to hear what he was saying to me. Hekissed me from my jaw down to my collarbone, making me hotter witheach slide of his wicked tongue. He nipped me and I gasped as hiswords finally broke through the lust. I shoved my hands in his hairand pulled him away from my neck.

“What do you meanthey won’t be my neighbors for long?” I questioned with an archedbrow.

He grinned down atme before he pulled my hands from his hair. He paused his upwardmotion as if he were afraid to trigger me. I met his eyes andnodded my head, giving him permission. I wasn’t about to let Jasonruin something I had come to crave from Damon. Only from Damon.

His eyes sparkled ashe moved, holding my hands above my head. I moaned as he thendescended onto my outthrust breasts, licking and lavishingaffection between the two. I squirmed underneath him.

“You’re not going todistract me with that sinful tongue. Answer me.” I gasped as henipped me before consoling the ache with his sucking.

He chuckled againstme. “I’m moving you in with me as fast as I can,” he confessed.

“What?” Isnapped, trying to straighten up. He released my hands and sat backon his heels as I sat to face him. I tried to ignore his hard cockdangling between his thick thighs. I swallowed thickly before Ispoke again. “You want me to move in with you? Are you fuckingcrazy?” I asked.

Damon shook hishead, playfulness still lingering on his lips. “Yes, Red. I’mcompletely crazy, bonkers, coo-coo, bananas … over you,” he offeredas he softly pushed me back down. I sighed as he trailed his handup my torso and came to rest on my throat as I lay on my back. Hebrushed his lips over mine as he continued his slow seduction.

“Did you honestlythink I’d be able to leave you after having you? I told you beforewe even started that if we did this, you were mine. I’m a selfishbastard and I want it all, baby. I already said I can’t think ofanything other than you. I can’t go any longer without seeing you,being with you. Every. Single. Day. Red, I—”

I cut him offcrashing my lips to his. I sucked his lower lip between my teethand bit him gently. He groaned against me before I pulled away.

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