Page 38 of Wickedly Tainted

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It was lateafternoon as I drove home. We four girls had walked from shop toshop, spending indecent amounts of money as we went. I bought a fewnew outfits at a couple of designer stores and of course the shoesto match. Emily had shopped at a few of the designer stores aswell. That girl could keep up with my shopping addiction.

I found myself halfjealous that she looked glamorous in almost everything she triedon. She was painstakingly gorgeous, with her long, curly,strawberry-blonde hair that framed her heart-shaped face and thecutest freckles that spanned under her hazel eyes. She was tallerthan all of us but she held it with a confidence that most wouldkill for. Her tall frame was evened out with a thick hourglassfigure, ample breasts, and an ass I’d seen many try to replicatewith surgery. It was a surprise to learn she was still single, butif I had to guess, that was a conscious choice on her part.

She had kept up withme at every designer store. When some people would balk at thesticker price, Emily just laid down a shiny black credit card. Atone point, Lindsey had nearly fainted when the sales associate hadgiven her the price. Emily had just smiled at Lindsey and handedover her card without even blinking.

She admitted laterthat her family was uber-rich and it was her life’s mission to blowthrough that money as fast as possible.

“When I divorcedChris, most of my family took his side. He was from anotherprominent family in upstate New York,” she had offered. “My motherhad told me over and over that I would never be able to do betterthan Chris.” She laughed but it held no humor. “In the end, most ofthem just saw the dollar sign that marriage brought. They didn’tgive a shit how he treated me.”

She had gotten a dimlook in her eyes at the mention of her ex but said nothing furtherabout him or her marriage. She shook her head as if to shake offher thoughts before smiling brightly back at me. “So, fuck ‘um. I’mgoing to blow as much of their dirty money as I can before theystop paying the bill.” She beamed.

I lifted mycomplimentary glass of champagne those stores offer you in hopesthat you spend lots of money. “I’ll drink to that!” I laughed withher as we clinked glasses.

I got the impressionshe didn’t like to talk about her past so we dropped the subjectafter that. Maybe one day we could both share our stories with oneanother and help each other heal a little further.

When we were done atthe designer stores, we moved on to the smaller posh boutiques thatlined the busy street we walked along. Lindsey and Kate took turnstrying things on while Emily and I sat and chatted. All that wasmissing from our shopping excursion was one of those cheesy 80ssongs for a musical montage.

Kate had picked outsome new dresses that she was guaranteeing the boys wouldabsolutely “eat up.” I felt myself flush at the thought.Oh, tobe a fly on that wall just once. What could I say? I was apervert most of the time.

Lindsey picked out ashort little black dress that fit her like a glove for her partytonight. I tried not to cringe when she said she would wear her redConverse sneakers to complete the outfit. She was definitely hermother’s daughter.

If her obviouschoice for comfort over fashion wasn’t enough to tell you whospawned her, she was built just like her mother too, meaning shehad curves for days. Most people would say the two were on thethicker side but they carried it so well.

“So, where is thisparty of yours tonight, Lyns?” I’d asked her.

She’d rolled hereyes before she looked at me in the mirror. “Some stupid frathouse. Alpha Sigma something-or-other. I don’t know the name. Myroommate has been begging me to go with her almost every weekendsince school started back up this fall and I keep saying no. Ifigured I needed to try and be a good friend for once,” sheremarked as she returned to inspecting her dress.

I gave her a tightsmile as I tried to squash the turmoil rolling around in my gut. Ialways knew that when Lindsey went to college there would beparties with stupid boys and even stupider decisions. I just had tohope that Lyns was smart enough not to put herself in a badsituation.

“So…” I cleared mythroat. “You know to keep your phone on at all times, right? Callme or your mom if you need anything.” I stared at her with aserious gaze in the mirror.

Lindsey looked upand met me with a playful grin. “Well, obviously, Aunt Jill.” Shewinked at me before continuing to look at herself in the mirror. “Ialso know not to drink and drive and to call you guys if I need aride,” she added.

If only that was allI worried about.

“Always get your owndrink, and never take your eyes off of it,” I blurted

Lyns turned aroundto face me then. “I know,” was all she said with confusion laced inher voice.

I’d glanced at Kateand she offered me a reassuring smile. I needed to calm down.Lindsey wasn’t me. She was way smarter than me. She wouldn’t putherself in the same situation I had put myself in all those yearsago.

Our conversationstill lingered on my mind as I pulled onto my road. I tried toshake it off and move my mind to other things, like what I wasgoing to say to Damon. That was, if he even wanted to see me again.I’m sure it was a big ego hit to have the woman you’ve been fuckingsneak out of your house before the sun had risen.

I pulled into mydriveway as I contemplated sending him a text. Was that tooimpersonal? Maybe I should drive out to his cabin and see if he washome. What would I even say?“Sorry I fucked you and then dippedout. Shit got real and I couldn’t deal because I have trustissues.”

Honestly, thatwasn’t half bad.

I shut the car offand started to open the door when I heard screeching tires as theybarreled my way. Looking in the rearview mirror I watched as afamiliar black car pulled into my driveway and slammed into “park”inches away from my bumper. Well, there went my plan to take mytime to figure out what to say. Damon was here and he looked pissedoff.

I exited the car andstood by as I watched my bull of a man quickly walk toward me. Hishair was free of any constraint and flowed easily behind him as herushed me. His eyes held all the anger that I knew was directed atme. A lesser female would have flinched away from that look, but Istood my ground. Crossing my arms over my chest and widening mystance, I readied myself to take on that hot Latino anger.

“Look, I know you’reupset right now, but—” I started beforeDamon cut me off.

“Shut up, Jill,” hegritted out before he crashed into me and sealed his lips tomine.

My breath left me ina rush and ended in a moan as he shoved me against the car. Hethrust his tongue past my lips as he picked me up. I wrapped mylegs around his lean waist as he ground his thick erection againstmy sex. He pressed me tightly between his body and the car so hishands were free to roam as my dress rode up around my hips.

He sucked and nippedat my lips as he feasted from my mouth. I pushed my hands into hisvelvety locks and tugged him harder against me. He groaned deep inhis chest as he released my mouth to travel further south. Hekissed his way roughly down my jaw, coming to my neck where henipped me hard enough to elect a hiss from between my teeth.

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