Page 33 of Wickedly Tainted

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“Stay away from me!”I wailed as I scrambled into the bathroom before slamming the doorand locking it. I crawled to the toilet before I emptied thecontents of my stomach. I heaved and sobbed, breathing hard.

“Jill!” Damonpounded at the door. “Baby, let me in so I can help you,” hebegged.

I sobbed louder as Itried to catch my breath. I sucked in deep, sharp breaths as mylips quivered. I shook violently as the last of my dream started torelease its death grip on me.

I pushed away fromthe toilet and hugged my knees as I leaned against the cool tub.Rocking back and forth, I tried to calm my racing heart.

“Jill, please,”Damon begged from the door again.

Guilt panged throughme as I realized what I’d done. I hit the back of my head againstthe tub over and over as I tried to clear the thoughts racingthrough my mind.

“You’re not there.You’re not there. You’re not there,” I whispered to myself.

I pushed the hairout of my eyes as I stared at the door. Squeezing my eyes shut atthe embarrassment that flooded me.

“Good job, Jill,” Imurmured to myself.

“I’m about to knockdown the door, Jill. I’m not good at being shut out,” Damon’sdesperate voice sounded from the other side of the door.

I couldn’t leave himout there much longer. I stood on shaky legs before I made my wayto the door. I fortified myself by leaning my head against the coolwood for a moment, listening to him on the other side. Taking adeep shaky breath, I unlocked the door.

I barely got out ofthe way in time before Damon thrust the door open and rushed me.His hands were everywhere at once as he looked me over. He rubbedmy arms, my back, and my sore hip before he cupped the back of myhead, drawing my gaze to his.

“Are you okay?” heasked in a hushed tone.

I nodded my head andtried to smile. He searched my eyes and shook his head beforepulling me to him. He hugged me tightly against him and kissed thetop of my head. I clinched my arms around him as I sighed.

“Tell me about it,”he said softly into my hair.

The last thing Iwanted to do was talk about it. Just thinking about it made me feellike the cold fingers of the dream were starting to latch back ontome. I clenched my eyes shut and willed it away. I wanted to eraseit from my mind. What I needed was a distraction.

I pressed myselffurther into him and ran my hands down to his ass. I rubbed him upand down his naked back and behind. Feeling him harden against mybelly, I pulled away and sank to my knees. I grabbed him firmly andpulled him past my lips in a hurried movement.

Damon groaned beforepulling away from me. I pushed back forward as he slid from mylips, desperate to get him back in my mouth. I had no choice but tostop as he threaded his fingers in my hair and gently tugged meaway from him.

“Jill, I need you totalk to me,” he grumbled above me.

I shook my head. Icouldn’t relive that dream again.

“Please,” I beggedand watched as his eyes softened but he didn’t release my hair. Irubbed my hands up his thighs and grabbed him firmly. I pumped himas I held eye contact.

“Please,” I beggedagain.

He seemed to realizethat I needed a distraction as he closed his eyes and straightened,releasing my hair as permission. I leaned back in eagerly andsucked him past my lips again. I flicked my tongue against theunderside of his cock, eliciting a long, tortured groan fromhim.

He pushed my hairout of my face and held it at the back of my head, using his fistas a ponytail holder as I bobbed my head up and down his shaft. Ilicked and sucked my way down his hard length, pulling him deeperand deeper with each pass.

“Fuck,” he groanedabove me as his fist tightened on my hair, lighting up myscalp.

I could taste hisrelease rising rapidly and I wanted nothing more than to swallowhim down along with my emotions. I pushed him past my threshold andgagged as he touched the back of my throat. I held him there andlooked up at him. His hooded eyes, ajar mouth, and heaving chestwere enough to spur me on.

I pulled my mouthoff to his head only to tunnel him back down as far as I could.When he touched the back of my throat that time, I swallowed aroundhim. He jerked in my mouth before he ripped himself away from me.Before I could protest, he pulled me up and into his arms. He slidinto me easily as he held me to his front. He used the globes of myass to move me up and down his length in powerful movements.

I threw my head backas he sucked at my neck. Each suck and lick from his hot mouth sentrapid shivers down my spine. Moaning loudly as each movement hemade rubbed against my swollen clit with his pelvis.

He walked us backinto the bedroom and sat on the bed, never pulling out of me. Istraddled his hips as he laid back and moved us further up the bed,until he was leaning against the pillows, propping himself up toface me.

“Ride me,” heordered gruffly. He didn’t have to tell me twice.

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