Page 50 of Into the Fall

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I woke up,and this time I wasn’t alone. Connor was sprawled next to me, fast asleep, the sheet barely covering the swell of his ass. Where was the all-action hero now? Loose-limbed and sleeping right where I could touch him. And I wanted to touch him.

“You need to wake up,” I said, my voice soft but firm.

Connor stirred, his sleepy, gorgeous eyes blinking open. His short, dark hair was spiked and messy, and a sleep crease marked one cheek. He was beautiful like this, soft and sweet, and that was all there was for a moment.

Then he raised a single eyebrow, smirked at me, and reality came rushing back.

“Morning, babe,” he said, his voice husky from sleep, a slow, lazy smile spreading across his face.

I couldn’t help but smile back, though I tried to suppress it. “Don’t ‘babe’ me.”

“You liked it when I called you that last night.”

“I didn’t.”

He smirked again. “Maybe it only works when my cock is in your ass,babe,” he deadpanned.

I ignored him, “You need to get moving.”

He stretched, the sheet slipping further down, exposing more of his toned body. “Why rush? I was enjoying the view,” he teased, stroking a finger along my hip bone, getting dangerously close to my morning wood.

I rolled my eyes, but the warmth in my chest betrayed my irritation. “Because you can’t stay here.”

Connor propped himself up on one elbow, his eyes locking onto mine. “And why not? You seemed to enjoy my company last night.”

I felt a flush creeping up my neck. “That’s not the point. I have responsibilities, and you have … whatever it is you do.”

He chuckled, the sound low and rumbling. “Tracking down leads, solving mysteries, driving you crazy. You know, the usual.”

I shook my head, trying to keep my composure. “Just … shower and get dressed. Use this bathroom. There’s a new toothbrush under the sink. I’ll make some coffee.”

I couldn’t help but glance back at him as I left. He was already up, stretching with a cat-like grace, the sheet forgotten on the floor. For a moment, I just stood there, taking him in. God, what that cock had done to me last night.

He caught me staring and grinned, pointing at his erection. “Like what you see, Sheriff?”

I turned away. “Just hurry the fuck up, asshole.”

“Will do,babe.”

I hope to hell he didn’t hear me growl.

I hurried to the other bathroom as fast as I could without looking like an idiot, showered at hyper-speed, brushed my teeth, dressed in my uniform, and headed to the kitchen, all in the space of five minutes, easily beating him there.

The scent of brewing coffee filled the small kitchen, mingling with the sounds of Connor in the shower and then getting dressed. Despite the complications, despite everything, there was a strange sense of normalcy on this chaotic morning.

As he joined me in the kitchen, back in his jeans and Iron Maiden T-shirt, he leaned against the counter, watching me with those piercing eyes. “So, what’s on your agenda for today?”

I handed him a mug of coffee, trying to ignore how my heart skipped a beat when our fingers touched. “Same as always. Keeping this town in one piece and safe from idiot SEALs who go around causing trouble.”

Connor took a sip, his eyes never leaving mine. “Sounds like a plan.”

We stood there silently, the morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over everything. At least the world outside could wait for now, but soon, he’d need to get out.

He stepped into my space, placed his coffee on the counter, then relieved me of mine and put it next to his.

“I need a goodbye kiss,” he murmured and cradled my face, tilting my head, his pillow-soft lips touching mine, a featherlight touch with the tip of his tongue. Then in a second of combustion, he devoured me, and I let him.

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