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She covered her mouth, amazed as his body swelled, muscles bulging as his skin darkened to a deep crimson. Fangs jutted from his lips and the small claws at the end of his fingers became long and lethal.

Her vision filled with flashing alerts and combat readouts as her systems tried to analyze the new threat. She ignored them, shoving the protocols aside to watch him. To marvel at the man standing in front of her. Her systems could wait. Right now, she just wanted to take it all in.

“Oh!” she breathed. He really was a living tank now, towering over her in a way that should have been terrifying.

Fascinated, she took a step forward and looked up at him. This was his true form, she realized. Not a mask or a disguise, but the real him—powerful, alien, and breathtakingly beautiful. She reached out but then paused, suddenly uncertain. “Can I touch you?”

“Hell yes,” he groaned in longing, his voice deeper and rougher now. “Please.”

She ran her hands over his transformed body. His skin felt tough under her fingertips, almost like it was armored but still radiated heat. She traced the lines of scar tissue and the smooth dips between muscles.

He shuddered at her touch, watching her like a hawk. No… like a predator. The thought sent a thrill tumbling through her.

She’d never felt small or delicate before, but he made her feel that way. It was new for someone built for fighting, and she liked it.Reallyliked it. She stepped closer and smoothed her hands over the rock-hard abs and chest. The odd laced sections on his clothes that she’d noticed before suddenly made sense. They let him shift forms.

Looking up, she found him watching her intently. His features were the same, just a little bigger, with harder lines at the cheekbones and jaw. But his eyes…

“Your eyes are the same color as mine,” she murmured softly.

He grinned, baring teeth that looked sharper than before. His eyes blazed with hunger and affection. In one swift motion, he yanked her closer, trapping her in his hulking arms.

She stiffened for a second before instinct kicked in. Pressing against his rock-hard body, she melted into him. His mouth claimed hers hungrily. She opened up, giving in completely.

This was nothing like the quick, frantic fucks during the war. Those were just escapes, ways to forget the carnage around them. But this… this was real connection. Being truly seen and accepted, flaws and all.

For once since learning what she really was, she didn’t feel like some soulless weapon. In his embrace, she felt truly alive. Real.

Their breathing was ragged as they broke the kiss, and she looked up at him.

“I’ve never…” she started but then paused, struggling to find the words. “I’ve never felt like this before. With anyone.”

His expression softened, a tender smile playing at his lips as he reversed his change right in front of her and reverted to his smaller, but still tank-like, form.

“Neither have I. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met. Human, Vorrtan, or anything in between,” he rumbled, sliding his hand into the fall of her hair to angle her lips up to his. “You’re perfect. Utterly perfect. And you’remine.”


The air in the room was heavy and electric as he closed in on her, a fierce intensity in his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. Her heart hammered in her chest as he backed her up against the wall. The hard planes of his chest pressed against her softer body, holding her captive between him and the wall.

He bent his head, intent written into every movement, and she caught her breath.

His lips crushed hers with a raw, desperate passion, all gentleness gone. Just hunger was left. His kisses were demanding, ravenous, as if he were starving for the taste of her. His claws scraped against her sensitive skin, sending a jolt of arousal through her so intense she thought she’d catch fire.

Spontaneous combustion is a physical impossibility for a cybernetic being,her onboard informed her. It started to list all the failsafe mechanisms built into her body in the event she found herself on fire. She put it on mute as she clutched at Covak’s broad shoulders, her fingers tangling in his long hair as she pulled his mouth down to hers.

She moaned, the soft scratch of his beard against her cheeks a sensory contrast to demanding firmness of his lips. She wanted to devour him, her body aching with need.

His voice was little more than a rumble, the deep sound whispering over her skin.

“I want you,” he growled against her lips. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. When I thought I’d lost you?—”

He broke off, leaning his forehead against hers as a shudder rolled through his big body.

Lifting her hand, she stroked his bearded cheek. “I’m okay,” she whispered. “I’m here, Covak. And I’m yours… if you want me.”

Even as she spoke, she still couldn’t believe he did. She’d spent so many years believing herself unlovable because of what she was.

His eyes darkened as he growled low, the possessive sound sending a thrill right through her.

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