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He turned, his heart aching at the sudden lost look on her face. Abandoning the cooking, he crossed the space between them, resisting the urge to gather her in his arms and comfort her.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he said softly trying to reassure her. “You’re fine. I promise. If you couldn’t or shouldn’t eat, Zero would have told me to avoid it. Your body clearly needs sustenance, cyborg components or not.”

Relief washed over her features, but then she frowned.

“Who is Zero?”

He met her gaze.

“You called him Dael before,” he explained in a low rumble. “We think he’s like you, but we need to get you somewhere with better equipment so I can scan you without—” he cut himself off suddenly, not wanting to alarm her.

“Without what?” she pressed sharply.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and scooping it off his face. “Without you potentially blowing up the ship.”

Her eyes widened. “What do you mean, blowing up the ship?”

He held up his hands in a soothing gesture. “It’s okay. It’s okay,” he said quickly. “Your onboard system warned me of the danger before it could happen. That’s why we need better equipment…to understand you fully without any risks.”

She watched him for long moments but then nodded, satisfied with whatever she saw in his eyes. Feeling like he’d passed some kind of test, he returned to the food, grateful for the distraction.

A few minutes later, he placed a large plate in front of her. It held a juicy burger with a side of crispy fries, a human dish he had grown to love since Davis had introduced them to it.

He watched her take the first bite, his chest swelling with pride as she hummed in appreciation.

“This is really good,” she said between bites. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

He beamed at the compliment. “Glad you like it,” he replied, sliding into the seat opposite her. “It’s one of my favorite human dishes.”

As they ate, a comfortable silence fell between them. He found himself studying her, noting the graceful way she moved, the subtle play of muscles beneath her skin. She was unlike any female he had ever encountered.

“You mentioned getting me somewhere with better equipment,” she said, breaking the silence. “Where exactly are we going?”

He leaned back in his chair, his meal forgotten for the moment.

“We have a contact,” he explained, choosing his words carefully. “Someone who can provide us with access to advancedmedical facilities. It’s not far, and it’s discreet. We need to keep you safe while we figure out exactly what’s going on with your unique physiology.”

Her eyes narrowed slightly. “And what if I don’t want to go? What if I want to leave once we dock somewhere?”

The question hit him like a physical blow. The thought of her leaving, of losing her so soon after finding her, made his chest tighten painfully. But he couldn’t force her to stay. That wasn’t the kind of male he was or the kind of person he wanted to be.

“Then you’d be free to go,” he said softly. “We rescued you, Jesh. We didn’t capture you. You’re not our prisoner.”

Surprise flickered across her face followed by an emotion he couldn’t identify. “I see.”

He leaned forward, his massive frame dwarfing the table between them.

“But I really hope you’ll stay,” he said, his voice low and intense. “Not just because we want to help you understand who and what you are, but because…”

“Because what?” she prompted, her grey eyes locked on his.

He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. Make or break time, but he’d never been good at hiding his feelings.

“Because I feel a connection to you,” he admitted. “Something I’ve never felt before. And I’d like the chance to explore it, if you’re willing.”

The words hung in the air between them, and for a moment he thought he’d blown it. That she didn’t want anything to do with him. His heart plummeted to his boots. He should have just kept his damn fool mouth shut.

“I don’t know what I feel. Everything is so confusing right now. But…” She met his gaze, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “I think I’d like to stay. At least for now.”

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