Page 12 of The Penalty Box

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“Francine Henderson,” she laughs good naturedly, shaking Gabriels hand, still wearing her gloves. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too. I know you know these troublemakers behind me. Unlike them, I never get any penalties.”

“You’re a goalie, you goof,” Alex presses in beside him, offering his hand to Francine as well. “Alex Hyryck. Morrow’s right, you looked great out there.”

“Thank you,” her cheeks flame red, eyes shifting toward me, “felt good to get out there on the ice tonight.”

“How long have you been playing?” Alex asks as Francine removes her gloves and sits on the bench to untie her skates.

“I started skating at three years old,” she leans down and unties her first skate. “I grew up in Houghton, we learn to skate almost as soon as we learn to walk. And when I was five my dad put a stick in my hand. How old were the kids that were here this afternoon?”

“Ten and up,” Alex answers, standing just a little bit taller when Francine asks about his kids. “They’re all from under-funded schools. I offer a free hockey program to kids that want to learn the game. All skill levels and abilities are welcome.”

“That’s incredible, Alex.”

“Thanks. And sometimes I’m able to convince this guy here to join me.”

Francine’s eyes find mine, her gaze softening, a small smile on her lips.

“I caught the end of the game, and the kids looked great. They were having fun out there.”

“Hockey is always fun.” Gabriel smiles. When I first met him I wasn’t sure about his whole schtick. I thought for sure no one could be so happy all the time. So enthusiastic. But it’s not a schtick, it’s just Gabriel. Gabriel loves hockey and he loves histeam and he loves being a part of Alex’s outreach efforts here in Detroit.

“That’s the most important part,” I whisper, and Francine’s smile spreads. “If we can’t have fun playing hockey why do we do it?”


“It’s late,” Alex says, reaching up to drape his arm around Gabriel’s shoulders, “we need to be going. Francine, it was lovely to meet you. Give us your schedule some time so we can catch another game.”

“What are you doing?” I hiss at Alex out of the corner of my mouth.

“Morrow, we’ll see you for morning skate tomorrow.” Gabriel claps me on the shoulder as he passes. “Don’t screw this up.”

Alex stuffs his hands in his pockets, walking away and leaving me and Francine, and the handful of other stragglers that are still packing up to leave the rink. While I attempt to figure out what my meddling teammates are up to, Francine strips her jersey off over her head. She’s down to a long sleeve compression shirt, a shade of dark forest green that makes her eyes pop and her hair flame brighter. Her hockey pants are still on, held up by suspenders at her shoulders and my breath catches for just a second. I see people in their hockey gear on a daily basis, it’s a hazard of the job, but no one looks as good in their gear as Francine does.

“Coaching kids, huh?” Francine looks up at me as she slips her feet into a pair of sneakers pulled from her gear bag.

“Alex is lucky he’s my best friend,” I laugh. “But I do love the kids. They remind me of when I was first falling in love with the game.”

“If you need more hands next time…” She pauses, a faraway look on her face as she laces up her shoes. “I remember being in a league at that age. My dad took me to every practice. He’d sit inthe stands and grade papers or read a book. He knew that if he watched me, he’d try to coach me, and that wasn’t his job.”

“Sounds like a good dad.” I sit down on the opposite end of the bench from Francine.

“The best,” she says with a smile, “and after every practice, we’d drive to the gas station near the rink and get a donut.”

“Gas station donuts?”

“It was a gas stationandbakery,” she responds, mock offense in her voice. “The donuts were stale and the coffee – according to Dad – could have stripped paint, but it was our thing.”

“Sounds like a nice thing.”

“Yeah. Anyway…I still get a donut after every practice, and sometimes after every game. If – if you’d care to join me.”




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