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Owen snorted. “You’re overestimating yourself, Big Guy. She’s the most important piece in the puzzle, not you.”

Suddenly, someone hit Konstantin from behind. He passed out immediately, thudding to the ground as if he wasn’t a giant man capable of killing like a ruthless animal.

Her eyes widened with horror as she snapped her head to Owen.

He looked right back at her, his eyes dark with twisted amusement. “We meet again, love.”

Fear coursed through Zia’s vein as realization dawned on her. They weren’t making it out of here alive.


“You’re just as beautiful as I thought you would be,” the tall man with the Irish accent said, his cold fingers cupping Zia’s face.

Zia moved away from his touch and gritted her teeth. It was the only thing keeping her from kicking him in the crotch. She had to hold back for her sake and Konstantin’s.

The moment they arrived in Long Grove. The mansion they’d brought her was hidden away in a street that was very lonely and underdeveloped.

She felt the cold screen of the phone clinging to her chest, and she hoped Lev could find them.

“Who the hell are you?” she asked, not bothering to keep her tone pleasant. She was afraid of him, but she’d been through enough in one night and couldn’t give a shit. At least she wouldn’t if it weren’t for her baby. Amy had been poisoned, and she had no fucking idea if her friend was still alive.

“Pardon my rudeness,” the man said. “I am Cillian Moore. I believe you’ve heard of me.”

She had, and she despised him before she even had a chance to meet him. She scoffed, pretending she hadn’t. “Cillian Moore. Doesn’t ring a bell.”

Cillian cocked a brow and he smirked. “Maybe I thought too much of myself.”

“Maybe you did,” she inclined with a bob of her head. “You kidnap women; I don’t think you’re a man to be feared or respected.”

“But you’re not just any woman. You’re Zia Nikolai, Lev Nikolai’s wife. You’re more of an asset than you realize.”

Zia threw a hand over her mouth and yawned. “Well, this asset is bored and would like to go back home to her husband. Think it’s something you can pull?”

“You have a smart mouth. I like that.” He held his hands behind him and rounded her. “How about I make this a little more interesting for you? Have you heard the name James Kincaid?”

Her mouth slacked and her brows quirked. That was her father’s name. How did he know her father’s name? She tried to steady her breath. “You knew my father?”

He nodded. “He wasn’t a friend or an ally, but he was a good cop. Unfortunately, he went around sticking his nose where it didn’t belong, and he had to die for it.”

Her chest tightened as tears sprung to her eyes. “You…” She paused and swallowed. “Did you kill my father?”

Cillian came to a stop in front of her and smiled. “I did.”

Vomit crept up her throat, and her legs almost buckled from what she’d just found out. The man in front of her had taken her father from her, and he didn’t show any remorse for it. He had the guts to smile at her while he said it. “Monster!”

“There are two types of people in this world, girl. The monsters and the prey.” He grabbed her jaw so hard that his nails dug into her flesh. “It’s better to be the monster because the world won’t be kind to you.”

Zia’s jaw trembled with rage. “Even monsters like you can easily become prey. I wish you a miserable death and pain way more than you can bear in a lifetime.”

Cillian shrugged her off like she was a mere fly disturbing him. “After you and your husband. I’ll kill him first, then I’ll let Owen have his way with you before I kill you.”

She wanted so badly to retort, but she couldn’t give him a hint that Lev knew where she was. “Rot in hell.”

Cillian gestured for one of his men to drag her away. “Next time we meet, I’ll be breaking news of your husband’s death to you. I hope it’s soon enough.”

“Don’t be too sure. Next time we meet, it may be me staring right into your eyes as you die.”

The bodyguard grabbed her arm and dragged her to a basement on the ground floor. He kicked the door open and threw her in.

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