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Bitterness coated her tongue. “My fiancé?” She instantly knew who it was. Lev was too obsessed with her being his wife that he wouldn’t introduce himself as her fiancé. There was only one person stupid enough to do that. “You mean Owen?”

“I didn’t ask his name, but he’s still in there.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Zia ran to her apartment at the end of the hall. The door was slightly open, and the sound coming from inside proved someone was in there. Closing one eye, she leaned against the door and peeked inside.

Owen sat at the edge of the too-small in the room, drinking a can of beer. She didn’t have time to stock up the fridge, so the beer was certainly not hers.

What the hell was he doing here? Looking so comfortable in her room after the way he hurt her?

Her chest constricted, and her stomach flipped endlessly. She pushed the door open, causing him to startle.

“Zia,” he said, his blue eyes dilating as they met hers. “You’re back.”

She stepped inside and closed the door only halfway through. She didn’t think he could hurt her, but he was acting really strange coming to her and lying that he was her fiancé. “What the hell do you want, Owen?”

“Why? Am I not allowed to see my girl?” he asks. His grin sent shivers down her spine. He looked crazy and drunk.

“I am not your girlfriend, Owen,” she snapped. “How did you even find me? Have you been stalking me?”

“Stalking?” he scoffed. “You’re broke, and you always spoke about checking in here if you ever had to leave our apartment. I guessed you were here, and I was right.”

That made sense, what didn’t make sense was why he would come here without asking. His reasons didn’t matter; just being in the same space as him made her insides twist with rage. She wanted him gone, and she never wanted to see him again. “Leave before I call the cops.”

“Stop being dramatic, baby.” He gulped down the rest of the beer, squeezed the can, and threw it inside the trashcan in a corner close to him. “I missed you, and I regretted the way things ended between us.”

Zia held herself back from laughing. He had to be joking. No way he was being serious.

“Leave, Owen. I’m not in the mood for this bullshit, and never come back here or try to look for me ever again.”

“Why are you being so mean? I know you love me.” He nodded as if trying to convince himself that he knew her that well. “It’s been just a few days. There’s no way you moved on from loving me that quickly.”

Had she stopped loving him? Maybe not.

She’d spent years loving him and dreaming of a future together with him. But all she felt for him right now was nothing but pure disgust and anger.

And angry people hurt other people, which was why a dark smile curled her lips. She raised her hand, the one with the diamond rock, and she waved it at him. “News flash, asshole. I’m married, and I don’t give a shit about you.”

His eyes darkened. He looked mad, but not in an angry way. He looked manic, like she imagined a psychopath would look when annoyed. “That better be fake.”

“The only fake thing in this room is your and your fake soberness.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Now leave!”

Owen stood up from the bed and prowled toward her. His eyes were red, and his face hardened with a frown. “Who is the bastard?”

“Mind how you speak about my husband.”

He grabbed her wrist and pushed her between himself and the wall. “Were you cheating on me? You refused to sleep with me, but you were whoring yourself to another man?”

Her back ached from pressing so hard against the wall. Flattening her hands on his chest, she tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

Panic flared in her chest, and the back of her throat burned with tears. She was stupid. She shouldn’t have confronted him. She should have called Konstantin for help. “Owen, stop. Don’t do this, please.”

“What the hell are you going to do?” He grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up. She struggled, writhing against his grip on her. “I’m only taking what’s mine, Darling. I’ll showyou what it means to have a man. I’m sure the bastard you’re married to can’t make love to you.”

Her head went blank. The adrenaline coursing through her veins should have made her fight and flee, but she froze instead. All she could do was beg. “Please.”

The door whispered open, but she didn’t look to see who it was. She didn’t want to give herself hope that someone was coming to save her. She closed her eyes, expecting the worse and wanting the nightmare to be over.

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