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“The explosion, the shootout… Your bodyguard, the gun. The club.Lev Nikolai…You’re Russian.”

His head bobbed up and down, and he looked surprisingly pleased that she caught up fast. “That I am.”

“I mean, it makes sense; the influence, the wealth, and the violence. How could I have been so blind? You’re no ordinary man, so I’ve heard. And somehow, I already knew that a man like you could be dangerous. God, the signs have been there all along.” Zia’s eyes narrowed, her face pale with rage. “You’re one of them, aren’t you?” she spat, her voice low and venomous.

His expression remained calm, and not even a flicker of guilt danced in his eyes. “You’re going to have to be more specific. I could be one of anything.”

“Quit playing games. You know I speak of the Bratva. You are one of them, aren’t you?”

The smile on Lev’s face widened, and it told her all she needed to know. She was right.

She shook her head sternly. “No.”

“I don’t believe I asked.”

“No. Fucking. Way,” she spat through gritted teeth. “There is no way I’m getting married to you. I will never agree to have anything to do with you, your family, or anyone associated with that organization.”

He didn’t look pleased with her defiance and courageous rejection of his offer, but she couldn’t care less. Her mother had been very clear with her when she was younger. She told her how her father died, and while she didn’t remember much, there was one particular detail that stood out.

The very reason for his death was because of an indirect association with the mafia.

Zia had looked them up and done her research to get all she needed to know. But the findings remained the same: they ruined everything they touched and protected only themselves. They were everywhere, audacious and untouchable. They had infiltrated the government and the streets. Anyone who dared to cross their paths had to think twice and must have made sure he had just enough power to keep them floating.

But none of those impressed her. Not when her father, whom she’d never known, had died at their mercy.

Putting her feet down, she glared at him, hoping that the daggers she aimed went past his tough skin and hit him in a sore spot.

“You are nothing but trouble, Mr. Nikolai. So, I’m sorry for bursting your bubble—or maybe I’m not sorry. But there will be no marriage between you and me.”

The smile vanished from his face, his eyes glinting with a cold intensity. He kicked back his stool, the legs scraping the floor, and strode toward her. Her eyes widened, sensing the sudden shift in his demeanor.

“Again, I didn’t ask,Malyshka.We are getting married tonight, and that is final.”

Chapter 6 - Lev

Lev loved the defiance in Zia’s eyes.

Most people feared and respected him, given his reputation, but not her. She stood up to him without a single fear and challenged him despite knowing who he was. This stubborn, mouthy woman was going to be his undoing. And getting married to her was definitely going to be fun.

But first, he had to keep her safe.

She peered into his eyes without backing down. Her lips parted as if she wanted to spit back a retort but kept quiet at the sound of footsteps joining them in the kitchen, glaring at whoever it was behind him, she turned her face away and stared aimlessly at the wall.

When Lev turned around, Konstantin was standing behind him; his brows arched as his gaze bounced between him and Zia. “What do you want?” Lev asked.

Konstantin cleared his throat, his eyes finally deciding to settle on Lev. “I found out who was behind the attack. You might want to see this.”

“Wait in my study,” Lev said. “I’ll join you in a minute.”

Konstantin shot Zia one last suspicious glance before he nodded and left the kitchen. It was just like him to suspect everyone, and he wasn’t wrong to do so.

The man has to let loose sometimes,Lev thought.

He dragged his attention to Zia. “Finish your food, and don’t go anywhere. I’ll come back to show you to your room.”

Zia didn’t reply or not, but he took satisfaction in the fact that he knew she’d heard his order loud and clear.

He straightened up and left the dining to join Konstantin in the study. “Who was responsible for the attack?” Lev asked, closing the door behind him.

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