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“I won’t,” I smiled, showing my fangs. “I have a wife I have to return to, after all.”

He nodded. I called Luke and Thomas into the tent, and we spent the next few hours discussing the plan. Once all the details were finalized, all that remained was to gather our forces and officially march on Rosworth.

We did so, and a few days later the attack on Rosworth finally commenced. Grace had protested my plan to fight directly alongside our troops, telling me I was being too reckless, especially since I had been staked recently. I just shook my head though, dismissing her request. We had to end the war, once and for all.

All I wanted was a peaceful world for me to live in with my mate. I was confident I would be able to succeed at my plan and win the battle. Grace had cried, afraid for me, but she eventually accepted my decision after seeing how calm and confident I felt about my odds of success.

The moment our forces clashed with Rosworth’s, I threw myself into the battle, carving a bloody path from the front ofour army through the waves of enemies. It was far from an easy fight. I was someone enemies recognized, and many of the soldiers threw themselves at me, hoping to kill me and gain glory for Rosworth.

Despite their fierceness and persistence, I killed enemy after enemy relentlessly, advancing closer and closer to the back of the forces. It took me hours to get there while the battle raged on around me, but eventually I reached the back of Rosworth’s army.

I was fighting off more enemy soldiers when I suddenly heard a familiar voice. “Let him pass.”

I glanced over the heads of enemies to see Sherman heading my way. He was armed with a stake, much like me, though I had lost several so far and had no spares anymore. The one I held in my hand was a stake that I had picked up from a fallen enemy soldier. The fingernails of my other hand had extended into claws.

I was ready to fight him.

“You came to see me,” I flashed him a mad, vicious smile.

“Estone’s war hero – how could I pass up the opportunity to fight you?” he replied. His face was grim and serious.

Sherman had come to me to kill me. I could sense the intense calculations behind his movements. He was an enemy to be respected. Yet, so was I.

“Of course,” I gave him a nod, turning serious. “I came here for you, Sherman.”

“So I guessed,” he said coldly. “Let’s see who survives this fight then.”

With no further ado, he threw himself at me, his stake aimed straight at my heart.

I parried his attack and extended my clawed hand at him. He dodged my attack, but his own claws dragged down my side. I jumped away, again putting some distance between us. My effortwas in vain though because he immediately closed the distance between us again, aiming the stake at my heart once more.

We continued diving at each other and parrying each other’s attacks, all at vampire speed. To a human eye, the whole exchange would have seemed like a blur of movement.

I wasn’t sure how long the fight lasted. I counted the wounds he inflicted on me as we continued; a scratched side, a battered arm, a bruised knee.

I didn’t spare any effort and made sure to give him just as many injuries in return.

Soon I noticed Sherman beginning to slow down, if only by a quarter of a second. The wounds I had inflicted on him were tiring him out.

Finally, I saw an opening and attacked him with my stake.

Sherman’s eyes widened and he moved to block my assault. He was too slow. The fact that the stake suddenly sunk into his heart surprised us both. I hadn’t been sure of my ability to land a killing blow against such a formidable fighter, and I don’t think he had truly expected to die in this fight.

Sherman’s skin turned gray. He suddenly fell to the ground, limp, dead.

I stopped moving. If I hadn’t been a vampire, I would have long since run out of breath and collapsed. Even with my extra stamina though, I had to focus on not becoming overwhelmed by the tiredness in my limbs.

I tore Sherman’s head clear off his body and raised it high above me for all to see. “I, Silas Hoyt, have killed your King,” I called out in a loud, booming voice. “Surrender now.”

As one, the enemies around me dropped their stakes. I was glad nobody decided to attack me now as some kind of desperate final attempt against me. As tired as I was, if they had all suddenly ganged up on me, I wouldn’t have stood a chance at surviving. Fortunately, vampire honor dictated thatif the General died, his forces had to surrender. Thankfully the enemies seemed to respect this old law.

The word that the battle was over was carried throughout the battlefield. Soon all of the fighting stopped.

Eventually Lewis, Luke and Thomas joined me, and together we attended a meeting with Rosworth’s commanders. They were interested in peace, claiming only Sherman’s orders had driven them to go to war against us. I didn’t believe them one bit of course, but they seemed sufficiently scared of provoking us any further and I too longed for nothing else than to return home and put this war behind us.

We signed a peace treaty there and then.

Finally the Rosworth war was over.

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