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“You only ‘guess’?” I frowned.

In a surge of bravery, I pulled him back down towards me and pressed my mouth firmly to his lips. In no time we were making out again, and soon he turned me around on the table and fucked me from behind.

When we finally came back to our senses, we realized we were still in the war room tent and probably needed to find a more appropriate place to continue being together. We got dressed, and Silas took me to his tent where we continued making love.

Chapter Sixteen


Lukas, Grace and I walked between the tents of the Athalis war camp inside the country’s borders, led by a vampire lord to the tent of their General, King Wyatt Lewis. I had decided to bring Grace with us to the alliance talks. She was the one who had suggested the union between our two countries in the first place, so she deserved to be present when the union was finalized.

I had sent Lewis a letter indicating the purpose of our visit. He had responded that he wished to speak with us. So I had taken my wife in my arms and, together with Luke, ran at vampire speed to the Athalis encampment which wasn’t that far off our common border.

When we arrived in camp, we saw many people giving us curious looks, but we were welcomed in peace. Word must have gotten around that Estone had reached out to Athalis for some kind of friendly proposal.

We entered the command tent where we saw a blonde vampire in military clothing sitting at the head of a large table, much like the one I had in my own tent. He wore a grim expression on his face.

“You’ve arrived,” he nodded at me.

I took Grace’s hand and squeezed it, seeing that she looked a bit afraid of the unfamiliar environment. “This is King Wyatt Lewis,” I introduced him. Then I nodded at Lewis. “My wife – Grace Hoyt, the Princess of Estone. You already know Lukas Carter.”

Lewis arched his eyebrows. “You brought your wife – a human – into the territory of a country at war?”

“Estone is at war with Rosworth too. War is everywhere those days,” I said.

He nodded. “So I’ve heard.”

“Grace was the one who came up with the idea of an alliance between us,” I said, giving her a look full of pride.

Grace responded with a soft smile.

“Did she now?” Lewis said. “A human involved in politics?”

“Not just any human,” I replied firmly. “My wife.”

“Ah,” Lewis nodded. “That explains it – if she can put up with you, then of course she must be something special.”

“She is to me,” I smiled. “Now, as for the matter at hand – what do you think of our alliance proposal?”

For the next two hours, Luke and I discussed with the King of Athalis the exact terms of our potential joint war effort against Rosworth. Lewis was open to the idea, even though the differences in our country's ways of life made him a bit hesitant to work together. I had the feeling he was somewhat desperate at this point though – looking for a way to protect his country, even at the expense of his pride for his people’s traditions.

The structure of Athalis’ society was much different than Estone’s. Whereas we respected humans, Athalis viewed them as nothing but blood donors obligated to feed vampires whenever needed. The nobility was much divided too between a lower caste and an upper caste – the two groups that had fought against each other for the rule over the country in the recent civil war. The upper caste had won, maintaining the country’s traditional way of life and Lewis’ position as king.

Even though Lewis was old-fashioned at heart, he also recognized the threat of Rosworth and finally decided to makean alliance with us – only until Rosworth was defeated, of course.

When we finally reached an agreement and had everything on paper, we shook hands.

“I hope our joint efforts will help us win the war,” the King said.

I nodded. “They will. We’re much stronger together.”

“That we are,” he nodded. He looked at Grace again, his gaze full of curiosity. “I hope to see more of the Princess too. If she can stand by your side, she must be a truly exceptional individual.”

I smiled. “She is my most precious treasure.”

Grace blushed, and I heard her blood shimmer louder in her veins.

We made our way out of the camp. I took Grace in my arms again, and we ran back to Estone.

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