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‘This is our council,’ said the female troglodyte. ‘And I amHowl-Smith, its leader.’ She bowed.

The others introduced themselves as well. There was Clack-Jones, who wore a Stetson on top of a baseball cap, then Shriek-Vibes, who appropriately wore an orange bucket hat with a jack-o’-lantern on it. The fifth member of the council was a scrawny troglodyte named Hiss-Majesty. Their name was absolutely the greatest Nico had ever heard, but he was surprised that they werenotwearing a hat at all.

Nico pointed to the trog’s bare head. ‘Missing something?’

Hiss-Majesty turned away. ‘I am sensitive about it,’ they said. ‘I – I have not found the right hat for me.’

Screech-Bling patted them on the shoulder. ‘In time,Hiss-Majesty.’

Hiss-Majesty sniffled, then glanced at Nico. ‘Thank you for helping us find a new home.’

‘Indeed!’ said Howl-Smith loudly.

‘It is perfect for us,’ agreed Shriek-Vibes. ‘I am confused, though. Why have we called this council meeting?’

Screech-Bling raised his hands. ‘I called this meeting at the request of our demigod friend Nico di Angelo! He has important information to share. About the changey smell.’

The other council members muttered apprehensively, then took their places around the table. Nico and Will were seated to the left of Howl-Smith.

‘Speak, Nico di Angelo,’ Howl-Smith said. ‘Though our new headquarters is located where few could ever find us, we are still inthe Underworld, where many creatures, monsters and spirits could prey on us. We must always be vigilant! If you know the source of the change we have smelled, you must share!’

Nico swallowed his nerves. ‘It’s a theory,’ he said, ‘but I think I’m right. I believe what you are sensing …whoyou are sensing, is Nyx.’

At the utterance of her name, the troglodytes let loose a frenzy of clicks and clacks, hisses and shrieks, snarls and pops.

‘Wait,’ Will murmured to him. ‘Are you talking about … the goddess of night?ThatNyx?’

Before Nico could answer, Howl-Smith whistled for the group’s silence. ‘If true, this is most serious, Nico di Angelo.’ She glanced at Will. ‘As for your question, son of Apollo, Nyx is no mere god. She is aprotogenos.’

Will looked nervous, like he’d been caught in a pop quiz. ‘Um, I feel like I should know that word, but remind me again?’

‘A protogenos,’ said Nico. ‘A primordial goddess, born before the Olympian gods or even the Titans.’

‘They are the constants of our existence,’ added Shriek-Vibes.

‘The fundamental powers of the cosmos!’ Hiss-Majesty said.

‘They are really awful!’ said Clack-Jones.

‘And we’ve actually already met one,’ Nico reminded Will. ‘Gaia.’

Will frowned. ‘Oh, great. So we’re dealing with Gaia two-point-oh?’

‘Well, no …’ said Nico.

A spark of hope kindled in Will’s eyes, which was why Nico hated what he had to say next.

‘I think Nyx may be worse,’ he grumbled.

Will’s mouth dropped open. ‘Worse? How is that even possible?’

‘She is the goddess of pure darkness,’ said Howl-Smith.

‘Mother of hellhounds,’ added Clack Jones. ‘And demons.’

‘And … I’ve met her,’ said Nico.

‘When?’ Will asked sharply.

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