Page 114 of The Sun and the Star

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‘The what?’ Nico said.

‘The child. I’m looking for him. I’m supposed to protect him.’

Protect, noteat, thought Nico. Well, that was a point in his favour.

Nico scanned the grim landscape that extended in every direction. Was the creature talking about Will? Nico didn’t see his companion anywhere. Where had he gone?

The creature shook his head. ‘I keep losing him. One second, I think I have him, then – BOOM! – gone.’

‘Who are you?’ asked Nico.

‘I am Amphithemis,’ he said. ‘And you?’ He narrowed his eyes. ‘Areyouthe child?’

‘No! I’m just … I’m Nico. Not a child.’

‘Would you help me find the child?’

Nico’s nerves prickled along his skin. Something about this seemed very, very wrong.

‘Speaking of finding someone, have you seen my boyfriend?’ he asked. ‘Tall. Bushy blond hair. Looks like both a camp counsellor and a surfer. Maybe we can help each other …’

Amphithemis shook his head. ‘I am not sure I know what a surfer is, but I have seen no one.’ He shuffled in place, scraping one of his hooves against the dirt. ‘I have not seen anyone else in a very long time.’

Nico thought of Gorgyra’s loneliness and a pang of sadness hit him. Amphithemis was even deeper in the Underworld than she was! ‘No kidding,’ he said. ‘Gods, whereisWill? He wouldn’t just wander off …’

‘Perhaps he, too, is looking for this child,’ said Amphithemis, his face lighting up.

‘No,’ said Nico sadly. He bent down and picked up the Kit Kat bar. ‘We’re looking for … someone else.’ He didn’t want to reveal too much to this stranger, especially when he knew so little about the creature. He took a step closer to Amphithemis and examined his face. ‘If you don’t mind me asking,’ he said, ‘what kind of beingare you? You remind me a little of a centaur I know, but you don’t walk on four legs. So, a satyr?’

‘I am actually both,’ he said. ‘A Lamian centaur in name, but more like a satyr in nature. In fact, that is how I found you. We satyrs have a knack for finding demigods.’

Thatwastrue. Grover had found a number of them over the years, and satyrs were known for bringing unclaimed demigods to camp.

‘Can you sense another demigod nearby?’ Nico asked excitedly. ‘He’s a son of Apollo.’

‘Apollo?’ Amphithemis sniffed the air. ‘Hmm. The scent is light. Perhaps too light. But, yes, there is another demigod in the vicinity.’

‘Excellent! Can you help me track him down? Then maybe both of us can help you find this child.’

But Amphithemis was still sniffing the air. Suddenly he lunged at Nico and began smelling his neck.

Nico jumped back. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I smell him on you,’ said Amphithemis. ‘And others. Other living things who are … lost. Children. I smellchildren!’ At that, he shook his head violently. ‘No, no, I must find the children, must find them!’

Nico kept backing away, his hands up. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I haven’t seen or been around any children lately. I’m just looking for my boyfriend.’

Amphithemis glared at him. ‘Which god is your parent?’

‘Well, it’s –’

‘Answer me, boy!’ Amphithemis demanded, his eyes flashing red. ‘I refuse to help a son of Zeus or Hera!’

‘Then don’t worry! My father is Hades.’

‘Hades?’ At the mention of the god of the Underworld and thedead, Amphithemis visibly calmed, his shoulders drooping. ‘Oh. Well, that is fine.’

Nico finally stopped backing away from him. ‘Why not Zeus or Hera?’

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