Page 104 of Daughter of the Deep

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‘Ana, you’ve done better than I ever imagined,’ he tells me.

I study his face. He’s never called me Ana before.

‘Is that a compliment?’ I ask carefully. ‘I’m not sure how well you imagined me doing.’

He wheezes. ‘Oh, please don’t make me laugh. It hurts. No, Prefect …CaptainDakkar. I always knew you were capable of greatness. I am sorry I did not show you that, or extend you the respect you deserved.’

I narrow my eyes. ‘But?’

‘Nobut,’ he assures me. ‘It’s true that Dev was everyone’s focus, including mine. I worried he was too impetuous, too angry, too … Well, too much like me, and like the students I taught at Land Institute. That’s why I tried so hard to counsel him. Still, I never imagined he would …’ Hewett shakes his head sadly. ‘At any rate,youwere the one we should have been preparing for command. Despite insufficient training, in the midst of utmost tragedy, look what you have accomplished.’ He gestures at theNautilus. ‘Have you decided what we will do next?’

My feet feel glued to the dock. ‘We?Is that really my decision?’

Dr Hewett arches his shaggy eyebrows. ‘Oh, yes. You are Captain Nemo now. TheNautilushas accepted you. The remaining students have accepted you. And the faculty … what remains of us … we have seen your potential. We will assist you, continue your training if you wish. But you will set our course. Whatever you decide, we are here for you.’

I’m grateful to hear this, but I also feel strangely uneasy. I wonder if this is what it means to be a leader, and if the doubts ever go away.

‘I have to talk to Ester,’ I tell him. ‘And the rest of the class, of course. But, yes, I think I know what happens next …’

The answer is dinner.

The answer is always dinner.

First, I check with Ester. She is in complete agreement with my plan. Then I run my ideas past Gem and Nelinha. They are both on board. Nelinha’s only comment is ‘Of course. Duh.’

Top listens and wags his tail, which means either he loves the way I think, or he wants a treat.

That night, the entire crew gathers around the dining table in the main hall of Lincoln Base.The Great British Bake Offis playing in the background – our comfort soundtrack of choice. Jupiter waddles around, handing out plates of crespelle alla fiorentina. The wafer-thin pancakes are made from porphyra flour and buttery-tasting algae oil. The ‘ricotta-and-spinach’ filling is carrageen-moss extract and seaweed. The sauce … You know what? I don’t care. I’m just going to eat it, because it tastes good.

Luca regales the crew with stories about how he resisted the Land Institute attack on the island. We’ve already heard them a dozen times, but each time they get more elaborate. Ophelia just shakes her head and smirks, occasionally pulling her husband towards her and kissing him.

‘I have married a brilliant man who is also an idiot,’ she muses. ‘How is this possible?’

After we’ve finished our main course, I ask Gem to turn downThe Great British Bake Off. I clink a fork against my glass to get everyone’s attention. I rise, because this feels like something I should stand up for.

‘Crew of theNautilus,’ I say, ‘freshman class of Harding-Pencroft, we’re only alive today because of your brilliance and bravery.’

Nelinha raises her glass. ‘Here’s to being alive!’

This gets some laughs. Glasses are clinked.

When the noise dies down, I forge ahead. ‘Now we have choices to make. I know that many of you …’ My voice falters. ‘Many of you have families on the mainland. You’ll want to let them know you’re still alive, probably spend the summer at home. After what we’ve been through, some of you may decide you’re done with this craziness and you want a normal high school experience.’

‘Normal?’ Franklin mutters, like it’s the worst insult he can think of.

‘If so,’ I continue, ‘I support your choice. You can take your share from theNautilus’s treasury and go your own way, no hard feelings.’

Halimah leans forward. ‘Or?’

Except for Mary Berry waxing poetic about oven temperatures in the background, the room is completely silent.

‘Orwe keep working together,’ I say. ‘I love this team. I also know that Land Institute isn’t done. They’ll keep researching. They’ll build a new sub. They’ll keep coming for theNautilus. They’ll be more determined than ever, especially if they think they’ve destroyed the only other school that stood in their way.’

My classmates murmur. Their expressions have turned grim. That tends to happen when anyone mentions Land Institute.

‘So Ester and I have been talking,’ I say. ‘We considered starting something completely new – a clean slate. We all know that Harding-Pencroft wasn’t perfect. Too many secrets. Too little trust in the students.’

Luca coughs. ‘This is awkward.’

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