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“Is everything okay, Nancy?” Mama asks.

“Don’t mind me. I just have a hard time moving around anymore,” she says, wobbling back.

Mama watches her intently, not wanting to get in the car. I can tell the nursing brain is in high gear.

Mrs. Jackman slips and almost falls back, but catches herself on the side of the house. Mama and I both rush to her side. I take the watering can while Mama loops her arm around Mrs. Jackman’s arm, steading her. “Let’s help you get inside.”

“I’m okay, really. You don’t need to worry about me. I just stepped wrong.”

Mama raises an eyebrow. “Nancy, I’ve known you for years. Don’t tell me you’re fine if you’re not.”

Mrs. Jackman sighs. “I’m a little tired.”

“Okay, so let’s go sit down. I’ll get you some water.”

I run over to the door and open it while Mama helps Mrs. Jackman inside. A couple of her kids are sitting at the kitchen table eating while one of the toddlers is dancing to a song in the living room. I have no idea where the others are. There are five kids total, not including the baby Mrs. Jackman is carrying, and I can’t keep track of them. It took me a while to memorize their names, but I still mix them up because they all have bright blond, almost white, hair and blue eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Maria, the oldest, says.

“I just need to sit down. Nothing’s wrong,” Mrs. Jackman replies.

Maria doesn’t seem convinced and follows us into the living room. She’s only eleven, but she acts way older. She’s always helping her mom with the other kids.

Mama helps Mrs. Jackman down onto the couch. She fluffs a pillow and sets it behind her back. “When’s your next checkup?”

“I have one tomorrow,” Mrs. Jackman says.

Mama nods and checks her pulse. “Okay, that’s not too far away, but I think it would be a good idea to take it easy the rest of the day.”

Mrs. Jackman laughs. “I wish I could, but there’s so much to do. I have to get the kids out the door for school and there’s dishes and dinner later.” Then she grimaces and touches her stomach. “Don’t worry. It’s just Braxton Hicks.”

Mama turns to Maria. “Could you bring me a glass of water for your mom please?”

Maria nods and runs off.

I find myself with a little blue-eyed toddler wrapped around my leg. I stroke his blond hair out of his eyes. “Hello.”

Mama continues to fuss over Mrs. Jackman. She checks to make sure her ankles aren’t swollen and has her drink some water. “I have to drop Margo off at school, but I’m going to come back and help you for the day. You need the rest.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll manage,” Mrs. Jackman says.

Mama, who doesn’t take no for an answer, says, “You work really hard taking care of everyone in this house. It’s about time someone took care of you.”

And that was that. Mama made sure the older kids were ready to leave for the bus and herded the younger ones into the living room with some books before we left.

I smile, focused on Mama as she pulls out of our driveway. I love the way her lips twitch when she has something on her mind. I can tell she’s creating a list of things she plans to do when she gets back to Mrs. Jackman’s house. That’s the way Mama is. She cares deeply for people, which is what made her such a good nurse, and she always goes above and beyond to make sure everyone has what they need. Mrs. Jackman will want for nothing when Mama returns. Mama will do everything from her dishes to prepping dinner and taking care of the toddlers while Mrs. Jackman takes a nap.

“Why are you staring at me?” Mama says, tilting her sunglasses down.

“You miss it,” I say.

Mama pushes her glasses up and balances them on top of her head. “Miss what?”

“You miss helping people.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says.

“You know exactly what I mean,” I say. “You told me you’d think about going back to work.”

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