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I grimace. Of course she did. For some reason I can’t get away from him. “Isn’t there someone else I could partner with?”

“We’ll rotate partners again next semester,” Mrs. Wilkson says. “Please sit down so I can begin class.”

My feet drag as I near Daniel, who’s sitting at the table in the far corner of the room. His head is tucked into his arms, sleeping. He isn’t even trying to pay attention. This is going to be an awful month. I’m going to get stuck doing all the work myself.

He is the last person in this room I want to be paired up with.

I set down my books and listen as Mrs. Wilkson explains the assignment we’re supposed to work on for today. After about ten minutes she tells us to begin.

I turn, taking in Daniel and his dark blond hair and long lashes. His eyebrows are furrowed as beads of sweat build up on his forehead. He doesn’t look scary at this moment. If anything, he looks like he needs someone to pull him out of whatever he’s dreaming about.

Maybe he’s sick?

Without thinking, I reach out to check the temperature of his forehead. He’s warm, but I don’t think he has a fever.

He flinches, jerking away from my touch. His head whips up, eyes wide. “Who touched me?” It takes him a half second to find me, and when he does, his eyes darken.

A shiver runs down my back, but I won’t let him intimidate me. Instead, I hold out my hand. With complete confidence I say, “Hi, I’m Margo.”

He wipes his face where I touched him as if he’s trying to rub any trace of me away. “So?”

My smile is so forced at this point. I can’t believe I have to work with him. It’s not fair. I can already tell he isn’t going to help at all. He’s going to make me do everything and expect to steal my grade. “SoI’m your new lab partner.”

He sets his head back down. “Go find someone else.”

I wish.“It’s not like I chose you.”

“That sounds like a ‘you’ problem.”

Aw. Charming.

I can’t believe Annie actually thinks this guy is her prince charming. He’s awful. Rude. Disrespectful.

I set down my binder and open it up. “No.”

“No?” There’s a hint of shock in his voice like he’s surprised someone challenged him.

“I have straight A’s, and you’re not going to ruin that for me.” I don’t make eye contact as I speak because part of me wants to hide under a rock, far away from the dark cloud brewing next to me, but I refuse to show him that.

His glare intensifies. “Shut up and leave me alone.”

My heart speeds up, but I don’t flinch. I stare right back. He thinks he’s a tough guy who can get away with pushing people around, but I will show him he’s wrong. I also don’treact well to people telling me I can’t do something. So I lean in closer to try and intimidate him back. “You don’t scare me.”

His jaw clenches, but he doesn’t reply. His gaze breaks, and he shakes his head before putting it right back down.

My chest starts to burn. I won’t let him ignore me.

I push his arm. “Hey, we have to talk about the assignment.”

“Prepare yourself for your first F.”

My jaw locks. “Fine, I’ll decide who does what.” I take out a fresh piece of paper and draw a line down the center with my pen. On one-half I write my name, and on the other side I writeDaniel. Then I start writing down the different questions we’re supposed to research. Knowing he isn’t going to try very hard, I give him the easier ones. I tear the paper in half and set it next to him. “This is your homework. Don’t lose it.”

He doesn’t move.

I clear my throat as heat begins to rise to my cheeks. There’s nothing on his desk, so it’s not like I can stuff the paper into a binder. I’m also not about to put it into his pocket because that feels too personal.

Next to his chair is his bag. He has to be the only boy in this school with a messenger bag. I reach for it.

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