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“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“We wanted to surprise you and Olive. We wanted to finish everything before we showed you.”

My lip quivers as I glance around taking it in. This is my room?

Laura looks me straight in the eyes. “You always have a home with us. Do you hear me?”

I can’t keep eye contact.

“Look at me,” she says.

I take in a ragged breath, trying not to cry in front of her. Slowly, I meet her gaze.

She holds my hand tighter. “We’re your family.” Then she pulls me into a hug, wrapping her arms around me the way I’ve longed for. “We love you.”

The dam breaks and my tears flood. I shake as I cry againsther; my chest heaves. I didn’t know how badly I needed to hear her say those words. I’ve waited my whole life to belong, and here Laura is, giving me an open invitation. I thought she didn’t want me, but she was creating a permanent space for me in her family all along.

She pats my back as I sob. “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

That only makes me cry harder.

“You’re going to be okay,” she whispers.

For the first time in months, I think that might be true. Maybe I’ll find my place in this world after all.

Olive and Rob are waiting in the living room when we get back. I hang my head low as I walk in, ashamed of how I spoke to Olive. I cower next to the door in the dim light, too afraid to look her in the eyes.

She jumps off the couch and I expect her to run to her room, but instead, she walks up to me.

I gulp, prepared to hear the disappointment in her voice. My hand trembles at my side and my breaths shake as I wait for her to speak.

She puts her hand on my shoulder and says, “I’m glad you’re back.”

Tears pool in my eyes. “I’m sorry I left,” I whisper. I should’ve never yelled at her, and I’d understand if she didn’t accept my apology.

She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly. “You came back. That’s all that matters.”

My breath hitches. I’m ready to cry again because I don’t deserve Olive, but I’m so glad she’s here.



Two weeks later

It takes time to heal. It doesn’t happen overnight no matter how much we’d like it to. My heart is still sore, but I’m trying to see the world from Margo’s perspective. I’m trying not to see weeds. I’m trying to see flowers.

The doorbell rings, and I jump off my bed to go answer it. Annie stands on the other side with her long hair in two braids.

My heart stops when I catch a glimpse of the cherry earrings she’s wearing. They’re Margo’s earrings.

I clear my throat. “I’ll go get Olive.”

“I’m actually here to see you,” she says.

I tilt my head. “Me?”

She nods. “I have something for you.” She fishes through her purse and pulls out a small wrapped package. It’s bright and covered in colorful stripes. She holds it out to me. “Margo wanted me to give this to you.”

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