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He starts playing his first song. He’s good too. I’ve never heard of him before, but a quick online search tells me he’s a local artist who’s gained a lot of traction lately.

Every time he looks in our direction, Annie covers her face, trying to hide.

Then partway through his song, he stops singing and the music continues. Without missing a beat he looks directly at us and says, “Annie, where’s my sign? Did you forget to make me one too?”

I scream.

Annie’s mouth is on the floor.

“And I’m going to need my jacket back,” he says, winking. Then he jumps right back into singing the song while everyone around us loses their minds. Everyone including me.

Broken Sage comes on next, and they do in fact play Annie’s favorite song. We sing all of the songs at the top of our lungs and dance until our feet hurt. Annie won’t stop smiling, and I can’t stop staring at the joy that lights up her face. During the last song we sway to the music while holding our phones in the air. Everyone in the event center has their flashlights on, and we become a sky full of stars.

When it finishes, Annie squeezes me tight. “Thank you! It was perfect.”

“As good as you hoped?”

She nods. “Even better.”

We don’t see Mr. Jean Jacket again, but the pink hue in her cheeks every time I mention him tells me she doesn’t need my help to fall in love. She’ll be okay on her own. She’ll meet someone one day that’ll give her the perfect love story. Who knows, maybe Tucker West will come looking for his jacket.

I’m exhausted, and every breath is like breathing in nails. My nose bled again last night after the concert, but I hid in the bathroom until it stopped. I didn’t want to worry anyone. I also didn’t want anyone to talk me out of going to the wedding. I worked so hard to find Daniel’s father, and I want to see this through.

Mama and Papa are doing the dishes when I step into the kitchen. Mama is scrubbing and Papa is drying them with a towel before putting them away.

Mama gasps.

I twirl, holding the skirt of my blue dress. “Like it?”

She runs over and kisses my forehead. “My sweet baby girl, you’re gorgeous.”

I smile. I feel pretty. I curled my hair and dusted my eyes with shimmer eye shadow, enough to make them sparkle, but nothing too drastic because I’m not trying to stand out. I’m trying to blend in.

Papa hugs me next. “You look beautiful, Bug.” He squints. “Make sure that boy behaves.”

I laugh. “Always.”

Annie comes into the room. “Are you ready?” She’s not going to the wedding, but she’s my ride.

I nod. I kiss Papa’s cheek and run to the door.

Annie strolls to the car much slower than me. Her hair is in a messy bun, and she’s wearing sweats. She also slept in till eleven. I’m honestly impressed she woke up at all. She was out.

She yawns as she starts the car. Then she turns on the music.

“What song is this?” I ask. This isn’t Broken Sage.

She chuckles. “Tucker West.”



I can’t help but laugh.

“He’s not bad,” she says.

“His face doesn’t hurt either.”

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